In our final installment let's take a look at what Scripture says regarding this Great Event in - 1 Thes 4:16-18:
To better understand the versus describing the Rapture in this passage we need to understand that what Paul describes as what’s going to happen is equivalent to a military invasion.
In various chapters of the N.T. Paul compares our Christian life in this world with that of a soldier. Time after time again Paul tells us that we should fight the fight and stand as good soldiers prepared for battle:
1. 2 Cor 10:3-5;
2. Eph 6:10-20;
3. 1 Tim 1:18;
4. 2 Tim 2:3
So, if we understand that we are in a spiritual battle/fight and that Ef. 2:2 tells us that the enemy is the Prince of the air (which is where we are going to meet the Lord) I believe we will then understand a little bit better versus 16 and 17:
1. v 16 - Christ descends from heaven “...with a shout of command" – The word "shout" is a military term which means to give an order so that the soldiers will come to attention.
2. "…with the voice of the archangel…" – The word "archangel" means first in time and rank or leader of the Angeles.
I believe that the voice of an Archangel will be heard because there is going to be unleashed a great battle in the air upon Jesus entering the camp of the enemy (Eph 2:2) to free His Church from the realm of Satan. This is the last opportunity for the enemy to try to destroy the Church. It’s also possible that this event triggers an intensifying of the angelic battle and because of this war the Devil and his angels are thrown down to the earth (Rev. 12:7 – 12)
3. "…And with the trumpet of God." – Trumpet of assembly (Ex. 19:13 & 16) (1 Cor 15:52);
4. v. 17 - The dead in Christ are resurrected (in accordance with Jn. 5:25);
5. Then we that are alive will be caught up with them (the resurrected believers) in the clouds to receive the Lord in the air. As we are caught up we will be transformed in fulfillment of 1 Cor. 15:52 and Phil. 3:20-21.
Clouds – Are associated with the Glory of God.
Meet/Receive – This word is used to describe the reception given a King or dignitary.
Are you ready to meet your Lord and King in the skies?
If not, know is the day of your salvation. Right there where you are simply pray to God. Tell Him that you are a sinner in need of a Saviour, to forgive you of your sins, and to accept you as His child so that you can forever be with the Lord upon His return.
If you have made this declaration of faith we would like to hear from you. Please email us at
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
Dunamos - Explosive Power
Prayer The Final Element of The Full Armor of God
The Full Armor of God - Ephesians 6:10-18
Ephesians chapter 6 is a command to action:
1. Twice we are told to either “put on” the Full Armor of God or a particular piece of armor (6:11,14)
a. v.11 – The full armor of God;
b. v.14 – The Breastplat of Righteousness.
2. Four times we are told to “Take” or “Take up” a piece of armor (6:13,16,17)
a. v.13 – The full armor of God;
b. v.16 – Taking up the Shield of Faith;
c. v.17 – Take the Helmet of Salvation; and
d v.17 – The Sword of the Spirit.
3. And four times we are told to either “resist”, “stand firm” or to “stand your ground” (6:11,13,14).
a. Each of these phrases carry with them the idea of resisting or opposing something or someone. It’s a call to fight against the enemy without surrendering ground.
4. There is a Seventh Element of the Armor of God. This is the most important of all the pieces of armor. This is the piece of armor that brings all the others together. And this piece of armor is found in verse 18: “With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints.”
v. 18 – To “Pray” and “Be Alert” - Both are instrumental, loosely connected with all of the preceding instructions. As such, they are not additional commands to do but instead are the means through which the prior instructions are accomplished.
In this verse we are commanded:
a. To Pray with all prayer and petition;
b. To pray at all times in the Spirit;
c. And to be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.
I believe that this is the final and most important of all the pieces of armor listed in this chapter. To be fully equipped with the Full Armor of God we need to exercise this final element. It is prayer that infuses power to the other pieces of armor to make you virtually invincible to the enemy and his schemes.
It’s interesting to note that the Ephesian church which is urged to put on the Full Armor of God - some 30 years later receives a letter from Jesus through the Apostle John in Revelations Chapter 2:1-7 indicating that they had left their first love.
I believe the reason that the church at Ephesus turned into a stagnant orthodox church is because they failed to put on the final armor of God as found in verse 18 – to pray at all times and to be on the alert with prayer.
So to be a victorious Spirit Filled Christian you need to put on the Full Armor of God - which includes PRAYER!
Determine today that you will be a Prayer Warrior of God.
Ephesians chapter 6 is a command to action:
1. Twice we are told to either “put on” the Full Armor of God or a particular piece of armor (6:11,14)
a. v.11 – The full armor of God;
b. v.14 – The Breastplat of Righteousness.
2. Four times we are told to “Take” or “Take up” a piece of armor (6:13,16,17)
a. v.13 – The full armor of God;
b. v.16 – Taking up the Shield of Faith;
c. v.17 – Take the Helmet of Salvation; and
d v.17 – The Sword of the Spirit.
3. And four times we are told to either “resist”, “stand firm” or to “stand your ground” (6:11,13,14).
a. Each of these phrases carry with them the idea of resisting or opposing something or someone. It’s a call to fight against the enemy without surrendering ground.
4. There is a Seventh Element of the Armor of God. This is the most important of all the pieces of armor. This is the piece of armor that brings all the others together. And this piece of armor is found in verse 18: “With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints.”
v. 18 – To “Pray” and “Be Alert” - Both are instrumental, loosely connected with all of the preceding instructions. As such, they are not additional commands to do but instead are the means through which the prior instructions are accomplished.
In this verse we are commanded:
a. To Pray with all prayer and petition;
b. To pray at all times in the Spirit;
c. And to be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.
I believe that this is the final and most important of all the pieces of armor listed in this chapter. To be fully equipped with the Full Armor of God we need to exercise this final element. It is prayer that infuses power to the other pieces of armor to make you virtually invincible to the enemy and his schemes.
It’s interesting to note that the Ephesian church which is urged to put on the Full Armor of God - some 30 years later receives a letter from Jesus through the Apostle John in Revelations Chapter 2:1-7 indicating that they had left their first love.
I believe the reason that the church at Ephesus turned into a stagnant orthodox church is because they failed to put on the final armor of God as found in verse 18 – to pray at all times and to be on the alert with prayer.
So to be a victorious Spirit Filled Christian you need to put on the Full Armor of God - which includes PRAYER!
Determine today that you will be a Prayer Warrior of God.
Is Your Church Pastor Dependent or Leader Dependent?
The mentality of some in the church is that of:
1. "We pay the Pastor to work"; or
2. "Our Pastor can do it, he went to school, he is trained, and I am not";
Still others believe that our trained and educated Pastors are supposed to do everything.
1. They are supposed to teach at every service;
2. Lead every ministry;
3. Be the church jitney service for the members, etc.
But the result is that when the Pastor does it all the church decreases or grows by addition. As opposed to when the entire congregation does the work the church grows by multiplication.
So whose responsibility is it to work within the church? - Everyone's/The whole body of Christ (1 Pet 2:9-10; Eph 2:10; Rom 12:4-5).
Here are 5 results when the church body excercises the gifts collectively as a body:
1. The church is benefited (1 Cor 12:7)
2. The church is strenghted/edified (1 Cor 14:26)
3. The saints are equipped for ministry (Eph 4:11-13)
4. The body of Christ is built up (Eph 4:12)
5. Above all - God is glorified (1 Peter 4:10-11)
1. "We pay the Pastor to work"; or
2. "Our Pastor can do it, he went to school, he is trained, and I am not";
Still others believe that our trained and educated Pastors are supposed to do everything.
1. They are supposed to teach at every service;
2. Lead every ministry;
3. Be the church jitney service for the members, etc.
But the result is that when the Pastor does it all the church decreases or grows by addition. As opposed to when the entire congregation does the work the church grows by multiplication.
So whose responsibility is it to work within the church? - Everyone's/The whole body of Christ (1 Pet 2:9-10; Eph 2:10; Rom 12:4-5).
Here are 5 results when the church body excercises the gifts collectively as a body:
1. The church is benefited (1 Cor 12:7)
2. The church is strenghted/edified (1 Cor 14:26)
3. The saints are equipped for ministry (Eph 4:11-13)
4. The body of Christ is built up (Eph 4:12)
5. Above all - God is glorified (1 Peter 4:10-11)
Is Your Worship Worthy Of A King?”
As we enter this Holiday Season ask yourself this question - "Is Your Worship Worthy Of A King?”
In this lesson we will be covering how the Magi worshiped the Child Jesus.
Notes and Historical Background:
How Do The Gospel Writers Present Jesus?:
1. The gospel of Mark:
a. Was written to the Romans and depicts Jesus as a Servant.
b. Here Jesus is depicted as the one who comes to serve and to suffer.
c. Mark does not give a genealogy for Jesus? Why, because men are not interested in the genealogy of a servant.
d. More miracles are found here than in any other gospel. Romans cared little for words; far more for deeds.
2. The gospel of Luke:
a. Was written to the Greeks and sets forth Jesus as the Son of Man/the perfect man.
b. He is the one who comes to share and sympathize.
c. Since Luke presents Jesus as the perfect man he takes His genealogy all the way back to Adam, instead of Abraham.
d. And as a perfect man, in the gospel of Luke Jesus is seen much in prayer and with angels ministering to Him.
3. The gospel of John:
a. Was written to all who believe, with the purpose of leading men to Christ and depicts Jesus as the Son of God.
b. Here Jesus is the one who comes to reveal and redeem.
c. And as the Son of God John by passes the genealogy and takes Him all the way back to the beginning as being with God and being God.
d. Everything in this gospel illustrates and demonstrates His divine relationship.
4. The gospel of Matthew:
a. Was written primarily for the Jew and depicts Jesus as King.
b. In this gospel Jesus is the sovereign who comes to reign and rule.
c. Everything in Matthew focuses on the sovereignty of Jesus. In the very first verse of Chapter 1 we are given His royal genealogy – “Jesus the Messiah/Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.”
d. And then in Chapters 5-7, in the Sermon on the Mount, we have the manifesto of the King, containing the laws of His kingdom.
Notice the blending and contrasts in the depictions of Jesus from the Gospel writers:
a. In Matthew He is the Sovereign / in Mark He is the Servant.
b. In Luke He is the Son of Man / in John He is the Son of God.
Each Gospel writer gives their own unique description of Jesus the Messiah/Christ.
Verse 11 - "After coming into the house," – Please note that they came into the house and not the manger or stable.
"After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His Mother," - whenever Mary and the baby are mentioned, in verses 11, 13, 14, 20, and 21, the baby is always mentioned first. This is because the focus is on the child.
So they entered the home "and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him" Remember these are the king makers of their time. And they finally find the Child who would not only become the King of the Jews but of the whole world and not just a King but a Saviour as well. So they bow down and give Him the honor due Him as a King.
“Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts…”
Let’s finish by covering how the Magi Worshiped:
1. They Fell To The Ground And Worshiped:
In a commentary by John McArthur he states that following regarding the word used here for Worship:
The word used for worship is proskuneō and means to stoop to kiss. It was a word that spoke about the way you paid homage to a monarch, you stooped down and you kissed his foot. The word proskuneō finally came to mean any internal attitude of adoration or worship to someone greater than yourself.
Whenever the word proskuneō is used in the New Testament, it is always used of something truly or something supposedly divine, it is a word that is only fit for deity.
In Revelation 22:8-10 - When John tried to worship the angel the angel said, “get up don't do that, proskuneō/worship God.”
Matthew reinforces the use of this word later on as we'll in Matthew 4:8-11 in Satan’s third temptation of Jesus. After showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory – Satan says to Him – “All these things I will give You, if You will fall down and proskuneō/worship me.” To which Jesus responded – “Go Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall proskuneō/worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”
2. “Then opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts…” – Following are 7 points I want you to consider regarding presenting our Lord our gift of worship:
1. The gifts were tangible;
2. The gifts were of high value and worth;
3. The gifts were meaningful; Each gift was symbolic/representative of something.
4. The gifts were worthy of a King;
5. The gifts were freely given;
6. The gifts were varied; and
7. The gifts were presented/given to Him. – Col 3:17
In this lesson we will be covering how the Magi worshiped the Child Jesus.
Notes and Historical Background:
How Do The Gospel Writers Present Jesus?:
1. The gospel of Mark:
a. Was written to the Romans and depicts Jesus as a Servant.
b. Here Jesus is depicted as the one who comes to serve and to suffer.
c. Mark does not give a genealogy for Jesus? Why, because men are not interested in the genealogy of a servant.
d. More miracles are found here than in any other gospel. Romans cared little for words; far more for deeds.
2. The gospel of Luke:
a. Was written to the Greeks and sets forth Jesus as the Son of Man/the perfect man.
b. He is the one who comes to share and sympathize.
c. Since Luke presents Jesus as the perfect man he takes His genealogy all the way back to Adam, instead of Abraham.
d. And as a perfect man, in the gospel of Luke Jesus is seen much in prayer and with angels ministering to Him.
3. The gospel of John:
a. Was written to all who believe, with the purpose of leading men to Christ and depicts Jesus as the Son of God.
b. Here Jesus is the one who comes to reveal and redeem.
c. And as the Son of God John by passes the genealogy and takes Him all the way back to the beginning as being with God and being God.
d. Everything in this gospel illustrates and demonstrates His divine relationship.
4. The gospel of Matthew:
a. Was written primarily for the Jew and depicts Jesus as King.
b. In this gospel Jesus is the sovereign who comes to reign and rule.
c. Everything in Matthew focuses on the sovereignty of Jesus. In the very first verse of Chapter 1 we are given His royal genealogy – “Jesus the Messiah/Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.”
d. And then in Chapters 5-7, in the Sermon on the Mount, we have the manifesto of the King, containing the laws of His kingdom.
Notice the blending and contrasts in the depictions of Jesus from the Gospel writers:
a. In Matthew He is the Sovereign / in Mark He is the Servant.
b. In Luke He is the Son of Man / in John He is the Son of God.
Each Gospel writer gives their own unique description of Jesus the Messiah/Christ.
Verse 11 - "After coming into the house," – Please note that they came into the house and not the manger or stable.
"After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His Mother," - whenever Mary and the baby are mentioned, in verses 11, 13, 14, 20, and 21, the baby is always mentioned first. This is because the focus is on the child.
So they entered the home "and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him" Remember these are the king makers of their time. And they finally find the Child who would not only become the King of the Jews but of the whole world and not just a King but a Saviour as well. So they bow down and give Him the honor due Him as a King.
“Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts…”
Let’s finish by covering how the Magi Worshiped:
1. They Fell To The Ground And Worshiped:
In a commentary by John McArthur he states that following regarding the word used here for Worship:
The word used for worship is proskuneō and means to stoop to kiss. It was a word that spoke about the way you paid homage to a monarch, you stooped down and you kissed his foot. The word proskuneō finally came to mean any internal attitude of adoration or worship to someone greater than yourself.
Whenever the word proskuneō is used in the New Testament, it is always used of something truly or something supposedly divine, it is a word that is only fit for deity.
In Revelation 22:8-10 - When John tried to worship the angel the angel said, “get up don't do that, proskuneō/worship God.”
Matthew reinforces the use of this word later on as we'll in Matthew 4:8-11 in Satan’s third temptation of Jesus. After showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their glory – Satan says to Him – “All these things I will give You, if You will fall down and proskuneō/worship me.” To which Jesus responded – “Go Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall proskuneō/worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’”
2. “Then opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts…” – Following are 7 points I want you to consider regarding presenting our Lord our gift of worship:
1. The gifts were tangible;
2. The gifts were of high value and worth;
3. The gifts were meaningful; Each gift was symbolic/representative of something.
4. The gifts were worthy of a King;
5. The gifts were freely given;
6. The gifts were varied; and
7. The gifts were presented/given to Him. – Col 3:17
Motives For Ministering
2 Corinthians 5:9-21
I. Historical Data:
1. Date Written = A.D. 55
2. Where Written = from Macedonia
3. To Whom Written = To Christians in the city of Corinth.
4. Why Written/Purpose:
a. To defend his apostleship (Chaps. 1 – 7);
b. To exhort the Corinthians to resume preparations for the collection for the poor at Jerusalem (Chaps. 8,9); and
c. To confront the false apostle’s head on (Chaps. 10-13).
5. Key Verse = 5:17 – Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold; new things have come.
Some have suggested that the real watch word or theme for the book of 2 Corinthians is that we must all be loyal to Christ, not to human personalities.
II. Define Today’s Topic – “Motives For Ministering”:
Motive = Is defined as something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing / it’s the goal or object of a person's actions.
Ministering = Comes from the word minister which means to give service, care, or aid.
So by combining the two we can define Motives For Ministering as the goal or object of our actions that causes us to want to give service, care, or aid.
III. Three Impure Motives For Ministering:
1. Some minister because they have the King Nebuchadnezzar syndrome - They are full of pride – (Dan 4:28-37) – They are to full of themselves. They think that it is their ministry and if they don’t do it no one else will or no one else can.
2. Some minister because of Misguided loyalty – (1 Cor. 10:31) – But many are ministering as unto The Pastor, others as unto the Ministry Leader, and some as unto themselves – but not as unto the Lord;
3. Some minister because they love the lime light – They want and crave the attention of others. – (Is 42:8) (Ps 115:1)
IV. Seven Pure Motives For Ministering:
1. We minister because of our ambition and a desire to please God – v.9;
2. We minister because of the recompense/reward we will receive for our service – v. 10;
3. We minister because we desire to expose our sincere motives before God and man – v.11 – 13;
4. We minister because we are controlled by the love of Christ – v.14 – 15;
5. We minister because it is our nature as new creatures in Christ – v.16 - 17;
6. We minister because we have been entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation – v. 18 – 20; and
7. We minister because we are the righteousness of God in Christ – v.21.
Ambition - in our world today is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment.
V. Explanation of Verses:
5:9 - Ambition = To love what is honorable - worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable.
To be pleasing to Him = Describes a slave who is passionate to please his master. Paul’s goal/his passion was to live for Christ
(Rom 14:8) & (Phil 1:21)
5:10 - For we must all appear before…may be recompensed… = This phrase describes one of Paul’s deepest motivations in wanting to please God - the realization that we are all ultimately accountable to God for our actions and that we will be rewarded for our works.
…whether good or bad = this does not talk about condemnation for sin but rather recompense/reward for what we have done whether good or worthless. (Rom 8:1 & 2) / 1 Jn 2:1 / (1 Cor 3:13)
5:11 - knowing the fear of the Lord… - A deep reverence, a fear that grows out of respect.
…we persuade men = To seek someone’s favor, to get the other person to see you in a certain favorable or desired way. Paul was persuading the Corinthians not about salvation but about his own integrity.
5:12 - The false teachers took pride in externals and showy hypocrisy.
5:13 - For if we are beside ourselves = Since his false critics were saying that Paul was insane or a fanatic he then uses this expression to describe himself as one dogmatically devoted to truth.
5:14 - For the love of Christ controls us = Christ’s love for us in dying on the cross motivated Paul to serve him.
5:15 - How do we live for Christ? – We live for Christ through our relationship with him and service to him. (Ef 2:10 / James 2:17 & 18)
5:16 - We no longer judge people by worldly standards but see their spiritual need. And we no longer see Jesus with carnal eyes but through spiritual eyes recognizing him as Lord and Savior.
5:17 - Key words in this verse are “in Christ” – If you are in Christ then you are a new creature. - This describes something that is created at a qualitatively new level of excellence. It refers to regeneration or new birth. It’s a miracle or metamorphosis – an inside-out transformation.
5:18 & 19 - Now all these things are from God… – What things? Everything spoken of in the previous verse, this verse and the couple of verses to follow. John 6:44 & 65 / Eph 2:8 &
Ambassadors spend their lives on foreign soil. They speak a different language than the people. They have different traditions, customs, cultures, and lifestyles. They always feel somewhat like a stranger. They speak on behalf of their country, conveying its ideals, its politics, its decisions. And…the reputation of their country rests in their hands. For good or for bad, their country is judged by their words and by their actions.
5:20 - We are Ambassadors for Christ - We are messengers representing the King of Heaven with the gospel, pleading with the world to be reconciled to God, who is their rightful King.
5:21 – The Doctrines of Imputation and Justification. To impute is to attribute something to another or reckoning something to the account of another. He bore our sins so that we could bear His righteousness. God treated Jesus as if He committed our sins, and treats us as if we did only the righteous deeds of the sinless Son of God.
What is the goal or object of your actions that causes you to want to minister?
Why do you minister? / Who are you trying to please? / What are you trying to achieve?
I. Historical Data:
1. Date Written = A.D. 55
2. Where Written = from Macedonia
3. To Whom Written = To Christians in the city of Corinth.
4. Why Written/Purpose:
a. To defend his apostleship (Chaps. 1 – 7);
b. To exhort the Corinthians to resume preparations for the collection for the poor at Jerusalem (Chaps. 8,9); and
c. To confront the false apostle’s head on (Chaps. 10-13).
5. Key Verse = 5:17 – Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold; new things have come.
Some have suggested that the real watch word or theme for the book of 2 Corinthians is that we must all be loyal to Christ, not to human personalities.
II. Define Today’s Topic – “Motives For Ministering”:
Motive = Is defined as something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing / it’s the goal or object of a person's actions.
Ministering = Comes from the word minister which means to give service, care, or aid.
So by combining the two we can define Motives For Ministering as the goal or object of our actions that causes us to want to give service, care, or aid.
III. Three Impure Motives For Ministering:
1. Some minister because they have the King Nebuchadnezzar syndrome - They are full of pride – (Dan 4:28-37) – They are to full of themselves. They think that it is their ministry and if they don’t do it no one else will or no one else can.
2. Some minister because of Misguided loyalty – (1 Cor. 10:31) – But many are ministering as unto The Pastor, others as unto the Ministry Leader, and some as unto themselves – but not as unto the Lord;
3. Some minister because they love the lime light – They want and crave the attention of others. – (Is 42:8) (Ps 115:1)
IV. Seven Pure Motives For Ministering:
1. We minister because of our ambition and a desire to please God – v.9;
2. We minister because of the recompense/reward we will receive for our service – v. 10;
3. We minister because we desire to expose our sincere motives before God and man – v.11 – 13;
4. We minister because we are controlled by the love of Christ – v.14 – 15;
5. We minister because it is our nature as new creatures in Christ – v.16 - 17;
6. We minister because we have been entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation – v. 18 – 20; and
7. We minister because we are the righteousness of God in Christ – v.21.
Ambition - in our world today is an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment.
V. Explanation of Verses:
5:9 - Ambition = To love what is honorable - worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable.
To be pleasing to Him = Describes a slave who is passionate to please his master. Paul’s goal/his passion was to live for Christ
(Rom 14:8) & (Phil 1:21)
5:10 - For we must all appear before…may be recompensed… = This phrase describes one of Paul’s deepest motivations in wanting to please God - the realization that we are all ultimately accountable to God for our actions and that we will be rewarded for our works.
…whether good or bad = this does not talk about condemnation for sin but rather recompense/reward for what we have done whether good or worthless. (Rom 8:1 & 2) / 1 Jn 2:1 / (1 Cor 3:13)
5:11 - knowing the fear of the Lord… - A deep reverence, a fear that grows out of respect.
…we persuade men = To seek someone’s favor, to get the other person to see you in a certain favorable or desired way. Paul was persuading the Corinthians not about salvation but about his own integrity.
5:12 - The false teachers took pride in externals and showy hypocrisy.
5:13 - For if we are beside ourselves = Since his false critics were saying that Paul was insane or a fanatic he then uses this expression to describe himself as one dogmatically devoted to truth.
5:14 - For the love of Christ controls us = Christ’s love for us in dying on the cross motivated Paul to serve him.
5:15 - How do we live for Christ? – We live for Christ through our relationship with him and service to him. (Ef 2:10 / James 2:17 & 18)
5:16 - We no longer judge people by worldly standards but see their spiritual need. And we no longer see Jesus with carnal eyes but through spiritual eyes recognizing him as Lord and Savior.
5:17 - Key words in this verse are “in Christ” – If you are in Christ then you are a new creature. - This describes something that is created at a qualitatively new level of excellence. It refers to regeneration or new birth. It’s a miracle or metamorphosis – an inside-out transformation.
5:18 & 19 - Now all these things are from God… – What things? Everything spoken of in the previous verse, this verse and the couple of verses to follow. John 6:44 & 65 / Eph 2:8 &
Ambassadors spend their lives on foreign soil. They speak a different language than the people. They have different traditions, customs, cultures, and lifestyles. They always feel somewhat like a stranger. They speak on behalf of their country, conveying its ideals, its politics, its decisions. And…the reputation of their country rests in their hands. For good or for bad, their country is judged by their words and by their actions.
5:20 - We are Ambassadors for Christ - We are messengers representing the King of Heaven with the gospel, pleading with the world to be reconciled to God, who is their rightful King.
5:21 – The Doctrines of Imputation and Justification. To impute is to attribute something to another or reckoning something to the account of another. He bore our sins so that we could bear His righteousness. God treated Jesus as if He committed our sins, and treats us as if we did only the righteous deeds of the sinless Son of God.
What is the goal or object of your actions that causes you to want to minister?
Why do you minister? / Who are you trying to please? / What are you trying to achieve?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Rapture Part 3
The Three (3) Pillars of Truth Upon Which The Doctrine of The Rapture Is Built:
Let's take a look at Scripture - 1 Thes 4:
The 1st Pillar is found in the first section of verse 14 which states:
v.14a - “For we believe that Jesus died” – Is better translated – “Since we have placed our confidence in the fact that Jesus died”;
We believe in and joyfully await the Rapture/Gathering of the church to be with Christ because we believe in His death as atonement for our sins to redeem a people for God. So based on His death satisfying God's demand for the penalty of our sins we believe we have been made righteous with Christ and will soon be gathered to Him to forever be with our Lord.
The 2nd Pillar found in the second section of this verse reads:
v.14b - “and rose again”;
We believe, have placed our faith in a resurrected Christ. We believe that He is the first fruits of those who will be resurrected to be with the Lord. Because He rose again we too have faith that even if we should pass away while awaiting His return He is powerful enough to raise us up.
Finally, the 3rd Pillar is found in verse 15:
v.15a - “…by the word of the Lord” – This phrase refers to a word of revelation that Jesus had given directly to Paul.
We believe these details to be true because:
a. No other part of the bible describes the catching up/Rapturing of the church with such detail; and
b. Because the phrase “word of the Lord” – means that it was a divine word/revelation”.
Paul had received a divine revelation from the Lord describing the events soon to take place.
So, since Christ died and rose again and revealed to Paul the events surrounding the Rapture we belief and await this glorious event.
Your Brother In Christ:
Richard Rios
Let's take a look at Scripture - 1 Thes 4:
The 1st Pillar is found in the first section of verse 14 which states:
v.14a - “For we believe that Jesus died” – Is better translated – “Since we have placed our confidence in the fact that Jesus died”;
We believe in and joyfully await the Rapture/Gathering of the church to be with Christ because we believe in His death as atonement for our sins to redeem a people for God. So based on His death satisfying God's demand for the penalty of our sins we believe we have been made righteous with Christ and will soon be gathered to Him to forever be with our Lord.
The 2nd Pillar found in the second section of this verse reads:
v.14b - “and rose again”;
We believe, have placed our faith in a resurrected Christ. We believe that He is the first fruits of those who will be resurrected to be with the Lord. Because He rose again we too have faith that even if we should pass away while awaiting His return He is powerful enough to raise us up.
Finally, the 3rd Pillar is found in verse 15:
v.15a - “…by the word of the Lord” – This phrase refers to a word of revelation that Jesus had given directly to Paul.
We believe these details to be true because:
a. No other part of the bible describes the catching up/Rapturing of the church with such detail; and
b. Because the phrase “word of the Lord” – means that it was a divine word/revelation”.
Paul had received a divine revelation from the Lord describing the events soon to take place.
So, since Christ died and rose again and revealed to Paul the events surrounding the Rapture we belief and await this glorious event.
Your Brother In Christ:
Richard Rios
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Rapture Part 2
Other reasons why Mt. 24 and Mark 13 do not speak to us regarding the Rapture:
1. In 1 Cor 15:51 Paul says - “Behold, I tell you a mystery”. The word “mystery” refers to a truth that was hidden in the past and is now revealed. It was something that was not known until the moment in which it was revealed. If Mathew and Mark would have been speaking to us about the Rapture then Paul would not be telling us that he was revealing us a mystery.
2. In 1 Thes. 4:15 Paul tells us - “for this we say to you by the word of the Lord”. This phrase means a divine word. In other words, Paul had received a divine word from the Lord describing in detail the events of the Rapture to communicate it to the brothers in Thessalonica. It was not something that he had read about or received previously. It was a fresh revelation.
Additional Notes:
1. None of the passages relating to the Rapture give us signs indicating that the Rapture is near.
2. All of the passages regarding the Day of the Lord and The Second Coming of Christ give us signs indicating that the day is near.
Before proceeding let me make a clarifying note regarding the word "Rapture":
The word “Rapture” does not appear in the Bible.
Then why do we use it to describe the gathering of Gods church?
Because it’s a good interpretation of what is going to happen. The word for “caught up” means to snatch, seize violently, or to take by force. Pretty much what happens when one is Raptured.
A more precise phrase of what will take place is "The Gathering" or Catching Up" but because many are more familiar with the term "Rapture" we will continue to use it during our brief study.
In our next installment we will speak about The Three (3) Pillars of Truth Upon Which The Doctrine of The Rapture Is Built.
Until then.
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
1. In 1 Cor 15:51 Paul says - “Behold, I tell you a mystery”. The word “mystery” refers to a truth that was hidden in the past and is now revealed. It was something that was not known until the moment in which it was revealed. If Mathew and Mark would have been speaking to us about the Rapture then Paul would not be telling us that he was revealing us a mystery.
2. In 1 Thes. 4:15 Paul tells us - “for this we say to you by the word of the Lord”. This phrase means a divine word. In other words, Paul had received a divine word from the Lord describing in detail the events of the Rapture to communicate it to the brothers in Thessalonica. It was not something that he had read about or received previously. It was a fresh revelation.
Additional Notes:
1. None of the passages relating to the Rapture give us signs indicating that the Rapture is near.
2. All of the passages regarding the Day of the Lord and The Second Coming of Christ give us signs indicating that the day is near.
Before proceeding let me make a clarifying note regarding the word "Rapture":
The word “Rapture” does not appear in the Bible.
Then why do we use it to describe the gathering of Gods church?
Because it’s a good interpretation of what is going to happen. The word for “caught up” means to snatch, seize violently, or to take by force. Pretty much what happens when one is Raptured.
A more precise phrase of what will take place is "The Gathering" or Catching Up" but because many are more familiar with the term "Rapture" we will continue to use it during our brief study.
In our next installment we will speak about The Three (3) Pillars of Truth Upon Which The Doctrine of The Rapture Is Built.
Until then.
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Rapture
Today we begin a series on the Rapture.
We will give brief notes over the next couple of days regarding this event which most Christians (us included) believe will take place sometime soon.
The Major Scripture References Concerning The Rapture Are:
1. Jn. 14:1 – 3;
2. 1 Cor 15:51-54; and
3. 1 Tes. 4:13 – 18.
Some may be wondering and asking how about Mat 24 and Mark 13 don't they speak of the events surrounding the Rapture as well?
Simply stated - NO.
The events of Mat 24 and Mark 13 speak of the 2nd Coming of Christ to this earth and The Day of The Lord. Which we believe will take place 7 years after the Rapture.
Here are a couple of comparisons between the events of 1 Thes 4 and Mat. 24/Mark 13 which I believe prove to us that they do not speak of the same events.
Highlights of what we see in 1 Thes 4:
1. Were are caught up with the dead in the clouds to receive the Lord in the air;
2. Christ Himself comes to get His church;
3. Christ gathers His church to be with Him forever;
4. The dead are resurrected to forever be with the Lord;
5. The coming of Christ takes place before the Tribulation and the Day of the Lord;
6. Only the church sees Christ descend;
7. Christ does not descend to the earth but rather the church meets Him in the air.
Now highlights of the events in Mat 24 and Mark 13:
1. Christ descends on clouds;
2. Angels gather together his elect;
3. Christ comes to judge and make war against the nations and to establish His kingdom on the earth;
4. It makes no mention of the resurrection of the dead in Christ;
5. The coming of Christ takes place after the Great Tribulation;
6. All the nations of the earth see him;
7. Christ does not receive a reception in the air but rather descends to the earth.
So based on these differences as well as some additional details we will tough upon in the next couple of installments we believe that the events of the Gospels are not speaking of the Rapture.
We will give some additional details in our next installment.
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
We will give brief notes over the next couple of days regarding this event which most Christians (us included) believe will take place sometime soon.
The Major Scripture References Concerning The Rapture Are:
1. Jn. 14:1 – 3;
2. 1 Cor 15:51-54; and
3. 1 Tes. 4:13 – 18.
Some may be wondering and asking how about Mat 24 and Mark 13 don't they speak of the events surrounding the Rapture as well?
Simply stated - NO.
The events of Mat 24 and Mark 13 speak of the 2nd Coming of Christ to this earth and The Day of The Lord. Which we believe will take place 7 years after the Rapture.
Here are a couple of comparisons between the events of 1 Thes 4 and Mat. 24/Mark 13 which I believe prove to us that they do not speak of the same events.
Highlights of what we see in 1 Thes 4:
1. Were are caught up with the dead in the clouds to receive the Lord in the air;
2. Christ Himself comes to get His church;
3. Christ gathers His church to be with Him forever;
4. The dead are resurrected to forever be with the Lord;
5. The coming of Christ takes place before the Tribulation and the Day of the Lord;
6. Only the church sees Christ descend;
7. Christ does not descend to the earth but rather the church meets Him in the air.
Now highlights of the events in Mat 24 and Mark 13:
1. Christ descends on clouds;
2. Angels gather together his elect;
3. Christ comes to judge and make war against the nations and to establish His kingdom on the earth;
4. It makes no mention of the resurrection of the dead in Christ;
5. The coming of Christ takes place after the Great Tribulation;
6. All the nations of the earth see him;
7. Christ does not receive a reception in the air but rather descends to the earth.
So based on these differences as well as some additional details we will tough upon in the next couple of installments we believe that the events of the Gospels are not speaking of the Rapture.
We will give some additional details in our next installment.
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Live In An Attitude Of Trust
As adapted by Damaris Rios
1 Peter 2:22
-Trust keeps us from worrying. Without trust you have no: JOY or PEACE.
- In personal relationships TRUST is the foundation.
-Trust in God in every kind of situation.
LIFE IS NOT FAIR. We are going to be mistreated and have problems even when we have done nothing wrong. We are under the misguided conception, that if we are good, we will never be mistreated or have problems. What we need to remember is that we need to cast our cares on HIM for He will take care of us. Trusting in God is what opens the door for Him to work in us. God promises us Justice. That is one of His attributes. Justice is to take what is wrong and make it right...if you trust in Me Jesus says.
If you do not like something go to the person and discuss it. NOW, when you get into an argument, then you need to learn to walk away, pray, and let GOD handle it. Ask God to help you: Stay quiet, get over your anger and to forgive.
Luke 22:42 - This is an amazing demonstration of trust. Your will be done - is the ultimate statement of God.
If you really want to be a vessel of God understand that some day and just sometimes...God IS GOING TO ASK YOU TO GO THROUGH SOMETHING HARD AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. IT IS FOR SOMEONE ELSE AND HIS GLORIES SAKE.
We give up on people too soon. We jump ship too early and do not realize God's will for someone else. By leaving too soon, we miss out on God's complete mission for our lives. We need to understand that someone, some where along the lines has paid the price for our good prayer, suffering, intercession, sacrifices...understanding this should make us more aware of how blessed we are when we live in peace.
We can enjoy life while we are waiting for our breakthrough. We choose Christianity and we choose to live a life of Joy or unhappiness.
So choose today to LIVE IN AN ATTITUDE OF TRUST.
Be Blessed,
1 Peter 2:22
-Trust keeps us from worrying. Without trust you have no: JOY or PEACE.
- In personal relationships TRUST is the foundation.
-Trust in God in every kind of situation.
LIFE IS NOT FAIR. We are going to be mistreated and have problems even when we have done nothing wrong. We are under the misguided conception, that if we are good, we will never be mistreated or have problems. What we need to remember is that we need to cast our cares on HIM for He will take care of us. Trusting in God is what opens the door for Him to work in us. God promises us Justice. That is one of His attributes. Justice is to take what is wrong and make it right...if you trust in Me Jesus says.
If you do not like something go to the person and discuss it. NOW, when you get into an argument, then you need to learn to walk away, pray, and let GOD handle it. Ask God to help you: Stay quiet, get over your anger and to forgive.
Luke 22:42 - This is an amazing demonstration of trust. Your will be done - is the ultimate statement of God.
If you really want to be a vessel of God understand that some day and just sometimes...God IS GOING TO ASK YOU TO GO THROUGH SOMETHING HARD AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. IT IS FOR SOMEONE ELSE AND HIS GLORIES SAKE.
We give up on people too soon. We jump ship too early and do not realize God's will for someone else. By leaving too soon, we miss out on God's complete mission for our lives. We need to understand that someone, some where along the lines has paid the price for our good prayer, suffering, intercession, sacrifices...understanding this should make us more aware of how blessed we are when we live in peace.
We can enjoy life while we are waiting for our breakthrough. We choose Christianity and we choose to live a life of Joy or unhappiness.
So choose today to LIVE IN AN ATTITUDE OF TRUST.
Be Blessed,
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Do You Have Confidence That God Hears Your Prayers?
These little daily comments aren't going to be in depth teaching sessions on prayer but rather are given to cause you to think a bit.
Today we will focus on Jn. 5:14 & 15:
v. 14 - "This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
v. 15 - "And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him."
So let me ask you a question or two:
1. Are you confident that God listens to you when you pray? God loves you as His child. If you don't have the confidence that He listens to you ask yourself why you feel that way. Is it because of your life style? Is it because you don't have a relationship with Him? Are you living in sin?
2. When you pray are you more concerned about what you want or about fulfilling His will? God has no problem in supplying your needs and giving you abundantly more than you ask for but He is not your cosmic bank account or butler bowing to your every want and desire. He must be glorified through whatever He does or gives you.
Be Blessed,
Your Brother In Christ,
Today we will focus on Jn. 5:14 & 15:
v. 14 - "This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
v. 15 - "And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him."
So let me ask you a question or two:
1. Are you confident that God listens to you when you pray? God loves you as His child. If you don't have the confidence that He listens to you ask yourself why you feel that way. Is it because of your life style? Is it because you don't have a relationship with Him? Are you living in sin?
2. When you pray are you more concerned about what you want or about fulfilling His will? God has no problem in supplying your needs and giving you abundantly more than you ask for but He is not your cosmic bank account or butler bowing to your every want and desire. He must be glorified through whatever He does or gives you.
Be Blessed,
Your Brother In Christ,
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Hello my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
A lot has been going on in my life and ministry over the past couple of weeks so don't think that I haven't forgotten about the study on Prayer - it's coming.
Until I start the series I will leave you with some versus over the next couple of days to meditate on.
Jn 15:7 -"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."
Repeat this verse to yourself over and over again and answer this question - What are the two key points Jesus is stating that must first take place in order for you to have whatever you wish for?
Be Blessed,
Your Brother In Christ
A lot has been going on in my life and ministry over the past couple of weeks so don't think that I haven't forgotten about the study on Prayer - it's coming.
Until I start the series I will leave you with some versus over the next couple of days to meditate on.
Jn 15:7 -"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."
Repeat this verse to yourself over and over again and answer this question - What are the two key points Jesus is stating that must first take place in order for you to have whatever you wish for?
Be Blessed,
Your Brother In Christ
Friday, May 23, 2008
Five Steps That Will Help You Realize Success...
Author: Anonymous
If a person is working toward a predetermined goal and knows where to go, then that person is successful. If a person does not know which direction they want to go in life, then that person is a failure.
The only person who succeeds is the person who is progressively realizing a worthy idea. The person who says, "I'm going to become this"… and then begins to work toward becoming it.
Here are five steps that will help you realize success:
1. Establish a definite goal.
2. Stop running yourself down.
3. Do not think of all the reasons why you cannot be successful -- instead think of all the reasons why you can achieve success.
4. Trace your emotions back to childhood -- discover where you first got the negative idea you would not be successful -- face your fears.
5. Renew your self-image by writing a description of the person you want to become -- Act the part -- You are that person!
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard
Well, that is pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed – for a while – that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.
Now, it stands to reason that a person who is thinking about a concrete and worthwhile goal is going to reach it, because that's what he's thinking about. And we become what we think about.
Conversely, the man who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion and anxiety and fear and worry, becomes what he thinks about. His life becomes one of frustration and fear and anxiety and worry.
And if he thinks about nothing…he becomes nothing.
So decide now. What is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind. It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life. All you've got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, and work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality.
How do you begin?
First: It is understanding emotionally as well as intellectually that we literally become what we think about; that we must control our thoughts if we're to control our lives. It's understanding fully that…"as ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Second: It's cutting away all fetters from the mind and permitting it to soar as it was divinely designed to do. It's the realization that your limitations are self-imposed and that the opportunities for you today are enormous beyond belief. It's rising above narrow-minded pettiness and prejudice.
Third: It's using all your courage to force yourself to think positively on your own problems, to set a definite and clearly defined goal for yourself. To let your marvelous mind think about your goal from all possible angles; to let your imagination speculate freely upon many different possible solutions. To refuse to believe that there are any circumstances sufficiently strong to defeat you in the accomplishment of your purpose. To act promptly and decisively when your course is clear. And to keep constantly aware of the fact that you are, at this moment, standing in the middle of your own "acres of diamonds."
And fourth: Save at least 10 percent of every dollar you earn.
It's also remembering that, no matter what your present job, it has enormous possibilities – if, you're willing to pay the price by keeping these four points in mind:
1. You will become what you think about.
2. Remember the word "imagination" and let your mind begin to soar.
3. Courageously concentrate on your goal every day.
4. Save 10 percent of what you earn.
Finally, take action – ideas are worthless unless we act on them.
If a person is working toward a predetermined goal and knows where to go, then that person is successful. If a person does not know which direction they want to go in life, then that person is a failure.
The only person who succeeds is the person who is progressively realizing a worthy idea. The person who says, "I'm going to become this"… and then begins to work toward becoming it.
Here are five steps that will help you realize success:
1. Establish a definite goal.
2. Stop running yourself down.
3. Do not think of all the reasons why you cannot be successful -- instead think of all the reasons why you can achieve success.
4. Trace your emotions back to childhood -- discover where you first got the negative idea you would not be successful -- face your fears.
5. Renew your self-image by writing a description of the person you want to become -- Act the part -- You are that person!
"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard
Well, that is pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed – for a while – that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.
Now, it stands to reason that a person who is thinking about a concrete and worthwhile goal is going to reach it, because that's what he's thinking about. And we become what we think about.
Conversely, the man who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion and anxiety and fear and worry, becomes what he thinks about. His life becomes one of frustration and fear and anxiety and worry.
And if he thinks about nothing…he becomes nothing.
So decide now. What is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind. It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life. All you've got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, and work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality.
How do you begin?
First: It is understanding emotionally as well as intellectually that we literally become what we think about; that we must control our thoughts if we're to control our lives. It's understanding fully that…"as ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Second: It's cutting away all fetters from the mind and permitting it to soar as it was divinely designed to do. It's the realization that your limitations are self-imposed and that the opportunities for you today are enormous beyond belief. It's rising above narrow-minded pettiness and prejudice.
Third: It's using all your courage to force yourself to think positively on your own problems, to set a definite and clearly defined goal for yourself. To let your marvelous mind think about your goal from all possible angles; to let your imagination speculate freely upon many different possible solutions. To refuse to believe that there are any circumstances sufficiently strong to defeat you in the accomplishment of your purpose. To act promptly and decisively when your course is clear. And to keep constantly aware of the fact that you are, at this moment, standing in the middle of your own "acres of diamonds."
And fourth: Save at least 10 percent of every dollar you earn.
It's also remembering that, no matter what your present job, it has enormous possibilities – if, you're willing to pay the price by keeping these four points in mind:
1. You will become what you think about.
2. Remember the word "imagination" and let your mind begin to soar.
3. Courageously concentrate on your goal every day.
4. Save 10 percent of what you earn.
Finally, take action – ideas are worthless unless we act on them.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 10
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In Lesson No. 8 we learned to have faith in God for He cares for you.
In Lesson No. 9 we learned that nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
Lesson No. 10 we learned that you have to stay on your guard at all times with all prayer and petition.
In today's lesson we will wrap up our study with verses 19 & 20 - "and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."Let’s take an example from Paul. The apostle was in prison when he wrote this epistle and yet his desire was to still be able to preach the gospel with boldness and eloquence. To preach it in such a way that his words would open the eyes of the hearers so that they would come to understand the mystery of the gospel.
When we find ourselves in difficult situations it’s hard to think of anything else but our own problems. Yet even in the midst of trials and tribulations we are called to speak boldly the word of God - as we ought to speak.
If we could for just a moment step back from our problems and truly place them in the hands of the Lord we would understand that it is uselss to worry about what tomorrow may bring. Leave it up to the Lord since it is He who cares for thee.
As children of God we have a loving Father who cares for us. But He requires that we be obedient and faithful to His cause no matter what situation we find ourselves in.
Lesson No. 11 – Speak as you ought to speak, Boldly!
Lay it all at His feet and let Him take care of the unknowns.
Mt. 6: 30 – 34 – “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Do not worry then, saying, “What will we eat?” or “What will we drink?” or “What will we wear for clothing?” For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In Lesson No. 8 we learned to have faith in God for He cares for you.
In Lesson No. 9 we learned that nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
Lesson No. 10 we learned that you have to stay on your guard at all times with all prayer and petition.
In today's lesson we will wrap up our study with verses 19 & 20 - "and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."Let’s take an example from Paul. The apostle was in prison when he wrote this epistle and yet his desire was to still be able to preach the gospel with boldness and eloquence. To preach it in such a way that his words would open the eyes of the hearers so that they would come to understand the mystery of the gospel.
When we find ourselves in difficult situations it’s hard to think of anything else but our own problems. Yet even in the midst of trials and tribulations we are called to speak boldly the word of God - as we ought to speak.
If we could for just a moment step back from our problems and truly place them in the hands of the Lord we would understand that it is uselss to worry about what tomorrow may bring. Leave it up to the Lord since it is He who cares for thee.
As children of God we have a loving Father who cares for us. But He requires that we be obedient and faithful to His cause no matter what situation we find ourselves in.
Lesson No. 11 – Speak as you ought to speak, Boldly!
Lay it all at His feet and let Him take care of the unknowns.
Mt. 6: 30 – 34 – “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! Do not worry then, saying, “What will we eat?” or “What will we drink?” or “What will we wear for clothing?” For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 9
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In Lesson No. 8 we learned to have faith in God for He cares for you.
In Lesson No. 9 we learned that nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
In today's lesson we will study verse 18 - "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints."
I like the breakdown from the John MacArthur Study Bible:
“This verse introduces the general character of a believer’s prayer life;
1) “all prayer and petition” focuses on the variety;
2) “at all times” focuses on the frequency;
3) “in the spirit” focuses on the submission, as we line up with the will of God;
4) “be on the alert” focuses on the manner;
5) “all perseverance” focuses on the persistence; and
6) “all the saints” focuses on the objects.”
I believe that when Paul wrote this verse he had in mind the Roman Centurion standing guard keeping a watchful eye for the enemy.
If the enemy attacked and it was found that the guard had fallen asleep or had in some other way forsaken his duty and because of him other soldiers were injured or killed then this would surely be a death penalty for the guard.
We too are called as part of the body of Christ to watch out for one another and to bring each other up before the Lord in prayer.
Answered prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit is the agent God uses to carry out His purposes here on earth.
Lesson No. 10 – Stay on your guard at all times with all prayer and petition.
We have a patient enemy who knows when we have let down our guard. And he is waiting to attack at a moments notice.
The reason why guards were posted is because soldiers needed time to relax, rest, and to heal before they could recoup their strength to continue with the battle.
We too need a time of relaxing and refreshing before God to continue with the struggles of this life. As such we need to be able to count on one another to offer help with prayer and supplication when we in the process of renewing and healing.
By having others praying for us with all prayer and petition when we are at our lowest allows us to share the load of this spiritual battle and gives us the confidence that we can rest in peace because we are not battling alone. We would have the confidence in knowing that we have brothers and sisters that are keeping a vigilant eye to any Word from God or a possible attack on our lives by the enemy. And when the time comes we will gladly stand guard for our fellow brothers and sisters as they have done for us.
One of the reasons so many Christians are depressed and unable to continue with the good fight is because they feel that they are going it alone. If we had just one or two other soldiers that we could truly believe in and lean on in times of trouble & great struggle it would make the battle all the more bearable.
Many times we, our family, or friends run into struggles and we say – “Well all I can do is Pray”. And we say it like if it were the option of last resort. When what we should be saying is “I’m going to Pray!” This should be our first option knowing that it is the most powerful weapon at our disposal.
Remember – prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit is the agent God uses to carry out His purposes here on earth.
Phil 4:6&7 – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I’d like to invite you to visit a website that I established specifically for prayer needs. You can either Post A Prayer of Pray on behalf of some one else at
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In Lesson No. 8 we learned to have faith in God for He cares for you.
In Lesson No. 9 we learned that nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
In today's lesson we will study verse 18 - "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints."
I like the breakdown from the John MacArthur Study Bible:
“This verse introduces the general character of a believer’s prayer life;
1) “all prayer and petition” focuses on the variety;
2) “at all times” focuses on the frequency;
3) “in the spirit” focuses on the submission, as we line up with the will of God;
4) “be on the alert” focuses on the manner;
5) “all perseverance” focuses on the persistence; and
6) “all the saints” focuses on the objects.”
I believe that when Paul wrote this verse he had in mind the Roman Centurion standing guard keeping a watchful eye for the enemy.
If the enemy attacked and it was found that the guard had fallen asleep or had in some other way forsaken his duty and because of him other soldiers were injured or killed then this would surely be a death penalty for the guard.
We too are called as part of the body of Christ to watch out for one another and to bring each other up before the Lord in prayer.
Answered prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit is the agent God uses to carry out His purposes here on earth.
Lesson No. 10 – Stay on your guard at all times with all prayer and petition.
We have a patient enemy who knows when we have let down our guard. And he is waiting to attack at a moments notice.
The reason why guards were posted is because soldiers needed time to relax, rest, and to heal before they could recoup their strength to continue with the battle.
We too need a time of relaxing and refreshing before God to continue with the struggles of this life. As such we need to be able to count on one another to offer help with prayer and supplication when we in the process of renewing and healing.
By having others praying for us with all prayer and petition when we are at our lowest allows us to share the load of this spiritual battle and gives us the confidence that we can rest in peace because we are not battling alone. We would have the confidence in knowing that we have brothers and sisters that are keeping a vigilant eye to any Word from God or a possible attack on our lives by the enemy. And when the time comes we will gladly stand guard for our fellow brothers and sisters as they have done for us.
One of the reasons so many Christians are depressed and unable to continue with the good fight is because they feel that they are going it alone. If we had just one or two other soldiers that we could truly believe in and lean on in times of trouble & great struggle it would make the battle all the more bearable.
Many times we, our family, or friends run into struggles and we say – “Well all I can do is Pray”. And we say it like if it were the option of last resort. When what we should be saying is “I’m going to Pray!” This should be our first option knowing that it is the most powerful weapon at our disposal.
Remember – prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit is the agent God uses to carry out His purposes here on earth.
Phil 4:6&7 – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
I’d like to invite you to visit a website that I established specifically for prayer needs. You can either Post A Prayer of Pray on behalf of some one else at
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Friday, May 16, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 8
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In Lesson No. 8 we learned to have faith in God for He cares for you.
In today's lesson we will study verse 17 - "And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Take The Helmet of Salvation – The Helmet is used to protect the head. This part of the body is always a major target in battle. Since Paul is already to talking Christians who have been saved we can conclude that he is not talking here about attaining salvation but rather he is telling us to put on the armor that protects our thoughts regarding our salvation.
Many times when in trials or during the midst of temptations we as Christians tend to doubt our salvation therefore causing undo hardship on our lives and walk with Christ. To the point were some of us become ineffective as Christian Soldiers. God wants us to take up the assurance of our salvation through the atoning work of Christ. This way if the enemy delivers us a head blow regarding our salvation it won’t be a lethal one.
Lesson No. 9 – Nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8: 31 – 39 – Make it clear that nothing, I repeat nothing can separate us from God.
Even though Satan wants to create doubt in your life - when you walk in obedience with God you can rest assure in His promises of your salvation.
Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God – The only weapon a Roman soldier took into battle was the sword. And as such the only weapon we need as Christians to defend against the enemies attack and to attack the enemy and destroy his strategies is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.
We need to commit His word to memory so that it can transform out lives. Additionally, we are called to take His word to all the nations. It is His word that changes and transforms lives.
Heb. 4:12 – “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In Lesson No. 8 we learned to have faith in God for He cares for you.
In today's lesson we will study verse 17 - "And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Take The Helmet of Salvation – The Helmet is used to protect the head. This part of the body is always a major target in battle. Since Paul is already to talking Christians who have been saved we can conclude that he is not talking here about attaining salvation but rather he is telling us to put on the armor that protects our thoughts regarding our salvation.
Many times when in trials or during the midst of temptations we as Christians tend to doubt our salvation therefore causing undo hardship on our lives and walk with Christ. To the point were some of us become ineffective as Christian Soldiers. God wants us to take up the assurance of our salvation through the atoning work of Christ. This way if the enemy delivers us a head blow regarding our salvation it won’t be a lethal one.
Lesson No. 9 – Nothing can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8: 31 – 39 – Make it clear that nothing, I repeat nothing can separate us from God.
Even though Satan wants to create doubt in your life - when you walk in obedience with God you can rest assure in His promises of your salvation.
Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God – The only weapon a Roman soldier took into battle was the sword. And as such the only weapon we need as Christians to defend against the enemies attack and to attack the enemy and destroy his strategies is the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.
We need to commit His word to memory so that it can transform out lives. Additionally, we are called to take His word to all the nations. It is His word that changes and transforms lives.
Heb. 4:12 – “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 7
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In today's lesson we will study verse 16 - "in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."Take up the shield of faith.
The shield refer to here was most likely a large leather shield used to protect the soldiers whole body. Thus the shield of faith does not refer to saving faith but rather faith in God to protect you from the enemy’s arrows.
It is your trust in God, His word, and His promises “in addition to all” that will protect you in the times of temptation and trouble.
Lesson No. 8 – Have faith in God for He cares for you.
It’s when we stop trusting in God and start trusting in our own understanding, or in our own strength that we fall to Satan’s lies and temptations.
It is by absolute faith and trust in God that we are able to extinguish all the flaming lies and attacks of the enemy.
Ps. 18:30 – “As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the Lord is tried; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.”
1 Jn 5:4 – “For whoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
Lesson No. 7 we learned to be at peace because God is on our side.
In today's lesson we will study verse 16 - "in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one."Take up the shield of faith.
The shield refer to here was most likely a large leather shield used to protect the soldiers whole body. Thus the shield of faith does not refer to saving faith but rather faith in God to protect you from the enemy’s arrows.
It is your trust in God, His word, and His promises “in addition to all” that will protect you in the times of temptation and trouble.
Lesson No. 8 – Have faith in God for He cares for you.
It’s when we stop trusting in God and start trusting in our own understanding, or in our own strength that we fall to Satan’s lies and temptations.
It is by absolute faith and trust in God that we are able to extinguish all the flaming lies and attacks of the enemy.
Ps. 18:30 – “As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the Lord is tried; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.”
1 Jn 5:4 – “For whoever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 6
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In today's lesson we will study verse 15 - "and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE;"
Shod your feet – when entering the combat field a Roman Soldier wanted every advantage possible. To ensure that he was able to stand firm a soldier wore boots with nails in them to better grip the ground of combat.
We too in our Christian lives have a sure footing in knowing the good news of the Gospel. That through the work of Christ we are at peace with God. Knowing this truth allows us to stand firm and live in peace.
Lesson No. 7 – Be at peace because God is on your side.
It is our job to spread the good news that we can find peace with God and have peace in our lives because of the atoning work of Christ.
Rom 6:6 – 10 – “For while we were still hopeless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In Lesson No. 5 we learned that there is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In Lesson No. 6 we learned that we must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
In today's lesson we will study verse 15 - "and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE;"
Shod your feet – when entering the combat field a Roman Soldier wanted every advantage possible. To ensure that he was able to stand firm a soldier wore boots with nails in them to better grip the ground of combat.
We too in our Christian lives have a sure footing in knowing the good news of the Gospel. That through the work of Christ we are at peace with God. Knowing this truth allows us to stand firm and live in peace.
Lesson No. 7 – Be at peace because God is on your side.
It is our job to spread the good news that we can find peace with God and have peace in our lives because of the atoning work of Christ.
Rom 6:6 – 10 – “For while we were still hopeless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Monday, May 12, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 5
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In today's lesson we will study verse 14 - "Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, AND HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS,..."
Remember I told you that when God tells you some thing once that it was important, and that when He told you some thing twice it was very very important? Well, now for the third time God tells us to stand firm therefore (v.11, 13, 14). So it is extremely important that we understand that we must stand firm regardless of the enemy’s attack.
And I believe that if God is telling us so many times to stand firm that He wants us to understand that it is implied in His command that we are able to stand firm. After all, He has provided us everything that we need to stand against the enemy’s attacks.
In the days of the Apostle Paul, the Roman soldier wore a tunic of loose fitting cloth. But this article of clothing could be a potential hindrance in battle. So as a preparation for the soldier to go to battle he had a belt which he used to cinch up any loose clothing.
So Girding up was a way of tightening up or pulling in any loose ends as a preparation for battle.
Applied to our spiritual lives the belt is Truth or Truthfulness. In order to be effective soldiers in this battle we must be Truthful in all of our ways.
Lesson No. 5 - There is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In order to be victorious we must tuck in every thing that hinders our Walk with the Lord. We must gird up any thing that might get in the way of our being able to wield God’s truth or any other part of the armor that He has given to us.
Additionally, we are told to put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Immediately we see that it is WE who must put on the Breastplate. So it takes a conscience effort from our part to make sure that we put on and are constantly wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness.
But was is this Breastplate? For the Roman Soldier it was a tough, sleeveless piece of leather or heavy material with animal horn or hoof pieces sewn on which helped to cover the soldiers torso, thereby protecting his heart and other vital organs.
For us as believers it is Righteousness or Holiness. We are to walk holy and blameless before the Lord always.
The Bible tells us in 2 Cor. 7:1 – “Therefore, having these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
Lesson No. 6 - We must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
Be Blessed,Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In Lesson No. 4 we learned that we must never give up.
In today's lesson we will study verse 14 - "Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, AND HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS,..."
Remember I told you that when God tells you some thing once that it was important, and that when He told you some thing twice it was very very important? Well, now for the third time God tells us to stand firm therefore (v.11, 13, 14). So it is extremely important that we understand that we must stand firm regardless of the enemy’s attack.
And I believe that if God is telling us so many times to stand firm that He wants us to understand that it is implied in His command that we are able to stand firm. After all, He has provided us everything that we need to stand against the enemy’s attacks.
In the days of the Apostle Paul, the Roman soldier wore a tunic of loose fitting cloth. But this article of clothing could be a potential hindrance in battle. So as a preparation for the soldier to go to battle he had a belt which he used to cinch up any loose clothing.
So Girding up was a way of tightening up or pulling in any loose ends as a preparation for battle.
Applied to our spiritual lives the belt is Truth or Truthfulness. In order to be effective soldiers in this battle we must be Truthful in all of our ways.
Lesson No. 5 - There is no room for hypocrisy or insincerity in our Christian walk.
In order to be victorious we must tuck in every thing that hinders our Walk with the Lord. We must gird up any thing that might get in the way of our being able to wield God’s truth or any other part of the armor that He has given to us.
Additionally, we are told to put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Immediately we see that it is WE who must put on the Breastplate. So it takes a conscience effort from our part to make sure that we put on and are constantly wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness.
But was is this Breastplate? For the Roman Soldier it was a tough, sleeveless piece of leather or heavy material with animal horn or hoof pieces sewn on which helped to cover the soldiers torso, thereby protecting his heart and other vital organs.
For us as believers it is Righteousness or Holiness. We are to walk holy and blameless before the Lord always.
The Bible tells us in 2 Cor. 7:1 – “Therefore, having these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
Lesson No. 6 - We must walk/live in such a way that we separate ourselves from all that would defile our bodies and minds.
Be Blessed,Richard Rios
Friday, May 9, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 4
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In today's lesson we will study verse 13 - "Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."
Ding, ding, ding,... In the left corner standing 6'0" tall and weighing in at 250 lbs, with a defeated record of 0 wins and countless losses we have - Lucifer "The Devil" Satan.
And to my right we have the Fly Weight, Middle Weight, Cruiser Weight, Heavy Weight, and every other division and weight class - Champion of the World, standing as high as the heavens to the earth, and sustaining the weight of the world on His shoulders, with a very impressive record of zero losses in every battle from the beginning of time - let's give a round of applause to Jesus "The Christ" of Nazareth.
Yes folks, we are in a constant battle with the enemy but no matter how much he tries he will never win a single round.
The old saying is true: "The Devil Is Already Defeated." But interestingly enough, it is he who goes around acting victorious and it is we who many times go around with our heads hung low acting Defeated.
When God says something to you once listen because it is very important. When He says something to you twice you better pay extra attention because what He has to say is extremely important.
Once again in verse 13 we are told to take up or to put on the full armor of God. Why, so that having done everything to stand.
Lesson No. 4 - Don't ever give up.
No matter how dark the situation you find yourself in might seem - Don't ever give up! No matter how tired you are of fighting - Don't ever give up! No matter how dim the situation might seem - Don't ever give up! No matter how hopeless you might feel - Don't ever give up! No matter what you've been told or what you've heard - Don't ever give up!
Take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Since the fall of man every day is an evil day. So we are to equip ourselves daily until the day of our liberation from this planet when we are taken away to forever be with the Lord. Until then we are called to hold our ground and stand firm.
James 4:7 says that if you submit yourself to God, and resist (stand firm against) the devil he will flee from you.
If Satan isn't fleeing from you then maybe you need to ask yourself Am I resisting/standing firm against him?
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In Lesson No. 1 we learned that we need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
In Lesson No. 3 we learned that our enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
In today's lesson we will study verse 13 - "Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."
Ding, ding, ding,... In the left corner standing 6'0" tall and weighing in at 250 lbs, with a defeated record of 0 wins and countless losses we have - Lucifer "The Devil" Satan.
And to my right we have the Fly Weight, Middle Weight, Cruiser Weight, Heavy Weight, and every other division and weight class - Champion of the World, standing as high as the heavens to the earth, and sustaining the weight of the world on His shoulders, with a very impressive record of zero losses in every battle from the beginning of time - let's give a round of applause to Jesus "The Christ" of Nazareth.
Yes folks, we are in a constant battle with the enemy but no matter how much he tries he will never win a single round.
The old saying is true: "The Devil Is Already Defeated." But interestingly enough, it is he who goes around acting victorious and it is we who many times go around with our heads hung low acting Defeated.
When God says something to you once listen because it is very important. When He says something to you twice you better pay extra attention because what He has to say is extremely important.
Once again in verse 13 we are told to take up or to put on the full armor of God. Why, so that having done everything to stand.
Lesson No. 4 - Don't ever give up.
No matter how dark the situation you find yourself in might seem - Don't ever give up! No matter how tired you are of fighting - Don't ever give up! No matter how dim the situation might seem - Don't ever give up! No matter how hopeless you might feel - Don't ever give up! No matter what you've been told or what you've heard - Don't ever give up!
Take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Since the fall of man every day is an evil day. So we are to equip ourselves daily until the day of our liberation from this planet when we are taken away to forever be with the Lord. Until then we are called to hold our ground and stand firm.
James 4:7 says that if you submit yourself to God, and resist (stand firm against) the devil he will flee from you.
If Satan isn't fleeing from you then maybe you need to ask yourself Am I resisting/standing firm against him?
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 3
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In the first lesson we saw the need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
Today’s verse shows us why it is so important to stand before the enemy in the strength of the Lord and the power of His might fully protected by God’s armor – “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (v12)”
As we mentioned in Lesson No. 1 - our struggle is not a physical struggle but rather an emotional, mental and spiritual struggle therefore the weapons of our warfare must be of that same caliber.
2 Corinthians 10:3 - 4 tell us – “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”
Lesson No. 3 – Your enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
Far to often we come against our problems and situations with human means: we throw our brute strength at the problem; we scream and yell; we think there is a logical reason for why this is happening and therefore there must be a logical solution; we seek counseling; we refinance to get out of debt or at least to get it some what under control; we just sit back and passively wait for the problem to work itself out, etc…
Understand this – as a Christian you are in a constant battle/war and your enemy does not sleep and will not give in until you and those you love are destroyed. His schemes are many – marital conflicts, fostering rebellion amongst your children, creating addictions, stealing from us what is rightfully ours and therefore putting us in debt and in a constant struggle just to make ends meet, and the list goes on. But behind all of this is the work of the enemy.
We don’t see it nor do we recognize it many times because we are looking for a visible physical sign of what’s going on. Well, you’re not going to find it because you wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Learn to come against your problems and situations with the power of God’s might using His armor to combat all of the attacks/schemes of the enemy that have been brought against you.
Only the power of God can change a life. Only the power of God can make a way where there seems to be no way. Only the power of God can change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Only the power of God can lift up the dead whether they are physical or spiritual.
So rise up with the spiritual power God has given you and come against whatever situation you find yourself in right now and you will be victorious – “…for the weapons of YOUR warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”
Commit the following verse to memory – Is 54:17a – “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper;”
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In the first lesson we saw the need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
In Lesson No. 2 we learned that we are to put on the full armor of God so that we are not partially protected.
Today’s verse shows us why it is so important to stand before the enemy in the strength of the Lord and the power of His might fully protected by God’s armor – “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (v12)”
As we mentioned in Lesson No. 1 - our struggle is not a physical struggle but rather an emotional, mental and spiritual struggle therefore the weapons of our warfare must be of that same caliber.
2 Corinthians 10:3 - 4 tell us – “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”
Lesson No. 3 – Your enemy is not the visible problem but rather he is the force behind your circumstances.
Far to often we come against our problems and situations with human means: we throw our brute strength at the problem; we scream and yell; we think there is a logical reason for why this is happening and therefore there must be a logical solution; we seek counseling; we refinance to get out of debt or at least to get it some what under control; we just sit back and passively wait for the problem to work itself out, etc…
Understand this – as a Christian you are in a constant battle/war and your enemy does not sleep and will not give in until you and those you love are destroyed. His schemes are many – marital conflicts, fostering rebellion amongst your children, creating addictions, stealing from us what is rightfully ours and therefore putting us in debt and in a constant struggle just to make ends meet, and the list goes on. But behind all of this is the work of the enemy.
We don’t see it nor do we recognize it many times because we are looking for a visible physical sign of what’s going on. Well, you’re not going to find it because you wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Learn to come against your problems and situations with the power of God’s might using His armor to combat all of the attacks/schemes of the enemy that have been brought against you.
Only the power of God can change a life. Only the power of God can make a way where there seems to be no way. Only the power of God can change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Only the power of God can lift up the dead whether they are physical or spiritual.
So rise up with the spiritual power God has given you and come against whatever situation you find yourself in right now and you will be victorious – “…for the weapons of YOUR warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.”
Commit the following verse to memory – Is 54:17a – “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper;”
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 2
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
In the first lesson we saw the need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
Now, this in no way implies that we can just sit back and relax and do nothing. We too have our part to play.
We are victorious because of God’s power which He chooses to exercise through us. So we are His instruments in and through which He manifests His power. Therefore, we are to be active in this battle putting on the armor and withstanding the enemy’s attack.
Now on to verse 11 – “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”
Lesson No. 2 – We are to put on the full armor of God.
I think one major reason that we see today’s church in this partially defeated state is because many Christians are only partially protected. They have not put on the full armor of God. Some are not girded with the Truth; others are not wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness; and many are not wielding the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
The command is clear – “…put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Every piece or armor has its purpose. Not only is it meant to protect the Christian against the attack and schemes of the enemy, but it is also meant to help the Christian experience the grace and power of God in his life.
It is only by the protection of God which comes through wearing His armor that we will be able to stand firm no matter what the enemy throws at us.
If you find yourself slipping away from the Gospel, if you no longer feel the joy of the Lord, if you are lacking in His peace, then ask yourself this – Are you fully protected?
Are you in His good hands?
Over the next couple of days - as we take a closer look at each piece of armor judge for yourself whether or not you are fully protected. Because if you aren’t you can be sure the enemy knows your weakness and it is there that he will attack you.
It is not just enough to have the armor hanging in your spiritual closet you must dust it off and put it on. It does you no good to know about it if you aren’t wearing it. And wearing it implies living it out in your life daily.
Remember you are in a war to the death. So when the Bible tells you to put on the armor it conveys the idea of permanence since the enemy does not sleep and is constantly looking for ways to destroy you.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
In the first lesson we saw the need to understand that our strength comes from the Lord and that it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
Now, this in no way implies that we can just sit back and relax and do nothing. We too have our part to play.
We are victorious because of God’s power which He chooses to exercise through us. So we are His instruments in and through which He manifests His power. Therefore, we are to be active in this battle putting on the armor and withstanding the enemy’s attack.
Now on to verse 11 – “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”
Lesson No. 2 – We are to put on the full armor of God.
I think one major reason that we see today’s church in this partially defeated state is because many Christians are only partially protected. They have not put on the full armor of God. Some are not girded with the Truth; others are not wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness; and many are not wielding the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
The command is clear – “…put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Every piece or armor has its purpose. Not only is it meant to protect the Christian against the attack and schemes of the enemy, but it is also meant to help the Christian experience the grace and power of God in his life.
It is only by the protection of God which comes through wearing His armor that we will be able to stand firm no matter what the enemy throws at us.
If you find yourself slipping away from the Gospel, if you no longer feel the joy of the Lord, if you are lacking in His peace, then ask yourself this – Are you fully protected?
Are you in His good hands?
Over the next couple of days - as we take a closer look at each piece of armor judge for yourself whether or not you are fully protected. Because if you aren’t you can be sure the enemy knows your weakness and it is there that he will attack you.
It is not just enough to have the armor hanging in your spiritual closet you must dust it off and put it on. It does you no good to know about it if you aren’t wearing it. And wearing it implies living it out in your life daily.
Remember you are in a war to the death. So when the Bible tells you to put on the armor it conveys the idea of permanence since the enemy does not sleep and is constantly looking for ways to destroy you.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Monday, May 5, 2008
Put On The Full Armor Of God Part 1
Ephesians 6:10 – 20
Over the next couple of days we will be learning some lessons from these versus.
This section of the Bible deals with the Christians Warfare and the need to put on the full armor of God to be able to withstand the enemies attack.
Paul is summing up his letter in which he has described what a true believer is and how he should live. In following his instructions and living the life outlined by Paul in the previous versus a true believer is sure to be tempted and in a spiritual war.
Therefore, Paul closes his letter with a warning about this war and instructions on how to win it through putting on and using the full armor that God has given us.
In reading these versus we see that God has provided us with sufficient armor to not only stand against the enemy but to defeat his every attack.
In verses 10-13 Paul sets forth the basic truths regarding our necessary spiritual preparation as well as truths regarding (1) our enemy; (2) our battle; and (3) our victory.
In the last couple of versus 14-17 we see the six (6) necessary pieces of our spiritual armor to resist and overcome our enemy’s assaults.
Our first lesson comes from the opening verse 6:10: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.”
Lesson number 1 – Our strength comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
It’s a great thing to have the Almighty God on your side. But all too often in the midst of the battle we revert back to our old ways in relying solely on ourselves, on our abilities, and our own strength to fight our battles.
And as such we end up with the same results – DEFEATED!
Since our struggle is not necessarily a physical struggle but rather an emotional, mental and spiritual struggle than the weapons that we use must be of that same caliber.
One of the first things we must remember in order to have the strength and confidence that we are victorious is that the war has already been won, Satan has been defeated, and his power has been crushed by the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So the next time you find yourself in a battle instead of rushing in head first, step back and remind yourself – Christ has already obtained the victory!
Then you can calmly and with faith stand firm and boldly attack the enemy for the victory has been given to you.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Over the next couple of days we will be learning some lessons from these versus.
This section of the Bible deals with the Christians Warfare and the need to put on the full armor of God to be able to withstand the enemies attack.
Paul is summing up his letter in which he has described what a true believer is and how he should live. In following his instructions and living the life outlined by Paul in the previous versus a true believer is sure to be tempted and in a spiritual war.
Therefore, Paul closes his letter with a warning about this war and instructions on how to win it through putting on and using the full armor that God has given us.
In reading these versus we see that God has provided us with sufficient armor to not only stand against the enemy but to defeat his every attack.
In verses 10-13 Paul sets forth the basic truths regarding our necessary spiritual preparation as well as truths regarding (1) our enemy; (2) our battle; and (3) our victory.
In the last couple of versus 14-17 we see the six (6) necessary pieces of our spiritual armor to resist and overcome our enemy’s assaults.
Our first lesson comes from the opening verse 6:10: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.”
Lesson number 1 – Our strength comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and it is by His strength that we will be victorious.
It’s a great thing to have the Almighty God on your side. But all too often in the midst of the battle we revert back to our old ways in relying solely on ourselves, on our abilities, and our own strength to fight our battles.
And as such we end up with the same results – DEFEATED!
Since our struggle is not necessarily a physical struggle but rather an emotional, mental and spiritual struggle than the weapons that we use must be of that same caliber.
One of the first things we must remember in order to have the strength and confidence that we are victorious is that the war has already been won, Satan has been defeated, and his power has been crushed by the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
So the next time you find yourself in a battle instead of rushing in head first, step back and remind yourself – Christ has already obtained the victory!
Then you can calmly and with faith stand firm and boldly attack the enemy for the victory has been given to you.
Be Blessed,
Richard Rios
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It's A Time Of Reflection And Prayer
Tomorrow is the National Day Of Prayer.
I hope that you will take the next couple of days to reflect on awesome privilege we have to be able to come before the presence of the almighty God to express our concerns, desires, heart aches, dreams, etc.
I believe that prayer is truly the most powerful force in the universe.
I believe that through prayer we move the hand of God to change our lives, situations, and those around us.
So I encourage you to join us tomorrow at to post a Prayer Request or to say a prayer for some one else.
Be Blessed,
I hope that you will take the next couple of days to reflect on awesome privilege we have to be able to come before the presence of the almighty God to express our concerns, desires, heart aches, dreams, etc.
I believe that prayer is truly the most powerful force in the universe.
I believe that through prayer we move the hand of God to change our lives, situations, and those around us.
So I encourage you to join us tomorrow at to post a Prayer Request or to say a prayer for some one else.
Be Blessed,
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
What Are You Doing Here...? Part 3
1 Kings 19
On this installment we will look at God’s question to Elijah – “What are you doing here…?
In the first two installments we learned the need to restore/refresh ourselves by having some alone time with God. We also learned the need to restore our mental faculties which might mean having to resign from certain positions or obligations.
Now we will look at answering the question – What Are You Doing Here…?
On two separate occasions God asks Elijah the same question and Elijah responds the same way. His responses are based on his feelings, his perception of Israel’s condition, and his situation.
I find Elijah’s response interesting and quite comical…"I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."
Interesting enough, this has nothing to do with what God was asking him. We’ve probably heard many a message about Elijah’s response to the gentle wind or the still small voice. Today we will concentrate on God’s question - What Are You Doing Here?
Let me give you an example of what I think God was trying to get Elijah to react to.
Let’s say that you have to pick some one up at the Airport tomorrow at 9am. It’s very important that you do not miss this appointment. But after making the arrangements something has come up and you will not be able to make it. So you ask me if I can do you the favor to which I agree.
The day comes and in running your errands you decide to stop off for a quick coffee at your local Starbuck’s. It’s around 9:00 am and when you enter the location you see what seems to be my face in the crowd. But this can’t be so. After all I’m supposed to be at the Airport. I promised that I would do you the favor and assured you that you could trust me.
As you get closer you can’t believe your eyes, It is me! Now let me ask you this, what would be one of the first questions that you would probably ask me? Yeap, you guessed it - What Are You Doing Here, Richard?
You see, I believe that this is what God was asking Elijah. God knew what he was doing there but He was trying to get Elijah to react, to get out of himself, and to change his focus away from his situation.
Let’s learn our final lesson:
Elijah was so focused on his own problems and situation that he could care less for anything else. God’s questions were meant to snap him out of this state so that he could realize that he was no longer walking in the will of God. He was no longer where God wanted and had commanded him to be.
So, God’s question to you today is - What Are You Doing Here...?
Are you walking in God’s will? Are you in the place where God wants you to be? Are you being disobedient to God’s call? Are you running away from God’s purpose for your life? Have you given up on yourself and your ministry because you’ve had opposition? Are all the doors that were once opened suddenly closing? Have you lost the desire and will to minister to God? Are you so focused on your problems or the situation around you that nothing else matters?
If yes, then you need to react, step away, and ask yourself – WHAT AM I DOING HERE?
Focus on the truth of God and His word and not what you have made the truth to be through your own thoughts and imagination.
God is faithful and His promises are true and endure forever. And just as Elijah was restored and taken up to glory trust and believe that you too shall be restored, your strength renewed, and soon you will find yourself able to walk in His way again to do His will.
So in closing I ask you to reflect on this - WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
Be Blessed,
Your Brother In Christ
Richard Rios
On this installment we will look at God’s question to Elijah – “What are you doing here…?
In the first two installments we learned the need to restore/refresh ourselves by having some alone time with God. We also learned the need to restore our mental faculties which might mean having to resign from certain positions or obligations.
Now we will look at answering the question – What Are You Doing Here…?
On two separate occasions God asks Elijah the same question and Elijah responds the same way. His responses are based on his feelings, his perception of Israel’s condition, and his situation.
I find Elijah’s response interesting and quite comical…"I have been very zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts; for the sons of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they seek my life, to take it away."
Interesting enough, this has nothing to do with what God was asking him. We’ve probably heard many a message about Elijah’s response to the gentle wind or the still small voice. Today we will concentrate on God’s question - What Are You Doing Here?
Let me give you an example of what I think God was trying to get Elijah to react to.
Let’s say that you have to pick some one up at the Airport tomorrow at 9am. It’s very important that you do not miss this appointment. But after making the arrangements something has come up and you will not be able to make it. So you ask me if I can do you the favor to which I agree.
The day comes and in running your errands you decide to stop off for a quick coffee at your local Starbuck’s. It’s around 9:00 am and when you enter the location you see what seems to be my face in the crowd. But this can’t be so. After all I’m supposed to be at the Airport. I promised that I would do you the favor and assured you that you could trust me.
As you get closer you can’t believe your eyes, It is me! Now let me ask you this, what would be one of the first questions that you would probably ask me? Yeap, you guessed it - What Are You Doing Here, Richard?
You see, I believe that this is what God was asking Elijah. God knew what he was doing there but He was trying to get Elijah to react, to get out of himself, and to change his focus away from his situation.
Let’s learn our final lesson:
Elijah was so focused on his own problems and situation that he could care less for anything else. God’s questions were meant to snap him out of this state so that he could realize that he was no longer walking in the will of God. He was no longer where God wanted and had commanded him to be.
So, God’s question to you today is - What Are You Doing Here...?
Are you walking in God’s will? Are you in the place where God wants you to be? Are you being disobedient to God’s call? Are you running away from God’s purpose for your life? Have you given up on yourself and your ministry because you’ve had opposition? Are all the doors that were once opened suddenly closing? Have you lost the desire and will to minister to God? Are you so focused on your problems or the situation around you that nothing else matters?
If yes, then you need to react, step away, and ask yourself – WHAT AM I DOING HERE?
Focus on the truth of God and His word and not what you have made the truth to be through your own thoughts and imagination.
God is faithful and His promises are true and endure forever. And just as Elijah was restored and taken up to glory trust and believe that you too shall be restored, your strength renewed, and soon you will find yourself able to walk in His way again to do His will.
So in closing I ask you to reflect on this - WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
Be Blessed,
Your Brother In Christ
Richard Rios
Monday, April 28, 2008
What Are You Doing Here...? Part 2
1 Kings 19
As we continue with this story…we find Elijah sitting under a Juniper tree requesting that he might die and so he says, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” Then he laid down and slept.
Loosing sight of God’s vision and purpose for his life Elijah runs away from the issues at hand and falls into a state of depression.
What are the signs?:
1. He’s constantly sleeping;
2. He wants to die instead of facing the realities of life;
3. He runs away and wallows in his self pity desiring death as oppose to facing the issues at hand; and
4. He doesn’t even care for his physical needs and so an Angel needs to bring him food on two different occasions.
Let’s learn another lesson or two:
Ask yourself this: do you find yourself sleeping a lot? Are you always tired? Do you find yourself wishing or desiring that you could just crawl in a cave and get away from life instead of facing the reality of the situations in your life? Are you moving further and further away from God’s purpose for you?
If your answers are yes – BEWARE! You are might be battling with depression and don’t even know it.
Victories are sometimes followed by times of depression. Why? For several reasons:
1. After the victory we no longer see a purpose for our lives. We loose sight of the vision of God’s purpose…and without a vision God’s people perish;
2. Next, because of the time and effort invested in the task we tend to deplete our physical as well as mental strengths; and
3. Finally, great victories are usually accompanied with great opposition so we begin to doubt ourselves and the will of God for our lives because of the ensuing conflicts.
So what are we to do?
You need to restore yourself not only physically but mentally. In restoring your mental health you might need to let go of certain obligations to free up time for yourself. God did not call you to do every thing.
Beware - You might be so involved in the work of the Lord that you forget the Lord of the work.
Also, when oppositions arise trust God to fight your battles. Since you are doing His will whoever rises against you is fighting against God. Remember, it is not by power nor by might that you will win your battles but by the Spirit of the Lord.
So, What Are You Doing Here...? We'll learn more on our next installment.
Be Blessed
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
As we continue with this story…we find Elijah sitting under a Juniper tree requesting that he might die and so he says, “It is enough; now, O Lord, take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” Then he laid down and slept.
Loosing sight of God’s vision and purpose for his life Elijah runs away from the issues at hand and falls into a state of depression.
What are the signs?:
1. He’s constantly sleeping;
2. He wants to die instead of facing the realities of life;
3. He runs away and wallows in his self pity desiring death as oppose to facing the issues at hand; and
4. He doesn’t even care for his physical needs and so an Angel needs to bring him food on two different occasions.
Let’s learn another lesson or two:
Ask yourself this: do you find yourself sleeping a lot? Are you always tired? Do you find yourself wishing or desiring that you could just crawl in a cave and get away from life instead of facing the reality of the situations in your life? Are you moving further and further away from God’s purpose for you?
If your answers are yes – BEWARE! You are might be battling with depression and don’t even know it.
Victories are sometimes followed by times of depression. Why? For several reasons:
1. After the victory we no longer see a purpose for our lives. We loose sight of the vision of God’s purpose…and without a vision God’s people perish;
2. Next, because of the time and effort invested in the task we tend to deplete our physical as well as mental strengths; and
3. Finally, great victories are usually accompanied with great opposition so we begin to doubt ourselves and the will of God for our lives because of the ensuing conflicts.
So what are we to do?
You need to restore yourself not only physically but mentally. In restoring your mental health you might need to let go of certain obligations to free up time for yourself. God did not call you to do every thing.
Beware - You might be so involved in the work of the Lord that you forget the Lord of the work.
Also, when oppositions arise trust God to fight your battles. Since you are doing His will whoever rises against you is fighting against God. Remember, it is not by power nor by might that you will win your battles but by the Spirit of the Lord.
So, What Are You Doing Here...? We'll learn more on our next installment.
Be Blessed
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
Friday, April 25, 2008
What Are You Doing Here...? Part 1
1 Kings 19
Over the next couple of days we will be reviewing the story of the flight of Elijah to learn some valuable lessons...
As the story goes, Elijah had experienced a great victory over the prophets of Baal. But no sooner is he enjoying the victory that he hears word that the queen Jezebel sends a message to Elijah saying: "So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about the same time."
And so Elijah flees out of fear for his life.
Lessons to remember:
Be watchful after you have obtained a victory. It is in this time that we are most vulnerable to the enemies attack.
Some times while in victory we have a false sense of security and forget that the enemy does not sleep and is always on the attack.
Some times while in victory we are so elated and basking in the joy of our accomplishments that we let our guard down and open ourselves to our enemy. Often enough we stop doing the things that we used to do because we feel that we deserve a break (like praying, bible study, fellowship with God and the body of Christ, etc.)
Often times while in victory we forget the amount of energy exerted to obtain it and we forget to take a time to refresh. And as such, our strength is depleted and we are not able to confront the attack.
So are we not to enjoy our victory? Not at all. But don't let yourselves be so involved in yourself, your accomplishments, and what's going on around you that you forget to be mindful that you are still at war with the enemy and that he does not share your joy. That he is always on the prowl looking for the opportune moment to attack.
Many great victories come at a great cost. And that cost usually comes at a great emotional demand. Take time for yourself to go before the Lord to be refreshed, restored, and your strength renewed. Even Jesus took his time to be alone with the disciples walking along the beach side or going into the mountains to have some alone time.
Allow God to restore you today. This might mean taking so time for yourself just to be alone with God and your family away from any and all responsibilities or demands on your time. This will allow you to renew your strength and come back ready to battle again.
I can tell you from personal experience how much we need time for ourselves and family.
Many years ago as a young man (not that I'm old now but I was younger then) I took upon myself every position available at my church. On top of this I was also a full time student and working part-time.
Within a couple of years I had completely burnt out and walked away from every thing. Physically and emotionally I just didn't have the strength to do it any more. And I learned the valuable lesson of ME AND GOD ALONE TIME. Time away from every thing and if need be away from everyone. Time to just relax and enjoy the gift of life that God has given us.
So, What Are You Doing Here...? We'll learn more on our next installment.
Be Blessed
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
Over the next couple of days we will be reviewing the story of the flight of Elijah to learn some valuable lessons...
As the story goes, Elijah had experienced a great victory over the prophets of Baal. But no sooner is he enjoying the victory that he hears word that the queen Jezebel sends a message to Elijah saying: "So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about the same time."
And so Elijah flees out of fear for his life.
Lessons to remember:
Be watchful after you have obtained a victory. It is in this time that we are most vulnerable to the enemies attack.
Some times while in victory we have a false sense of security and forget that the enemy does not sleep and is always on the attack.
Some times while in victory we are so elated and basking in the joy of our accomplishments that we let our guard down and open ourselves to our enemy. Often enough we stop doing the things that we used to do because we feel that we deserve a break (like praying, bible study, fellowship with God and the body of Christ, etc.)
Often times while in victory we forget the amount of energy exerted to obtain it and we forget to take a time to refresh. And as such, our strength is depleted and we are not able to confront the attack.
So are we not to enjoy our victory? Not at all. But don't let yourselves be so involved in yourself, your accomplishments, and what's going on around you that you forget to be mindful that you are still at war with the enemy and that he does not share your joy. That he is always on the prowl looking for the opportune moment to attack.
Many great victories come at a great cost. And that cost usually comes at a great emotional demand. Take time for yourself to go before the Lord to be refreshed, restored, and your strength renewed. Even Jesus took his time to be alone with the disciples walking along the beach side or going into the mountains to have some alone time.
Allow God to restore you today. This might mean taking so time for yourself just to be alone with God and your family away from any and all responsibilities or demands on your time. This will allow you to renew your strength and come back ready to battle again.
I can tell you from personal experience how much we need time for ourselves and family.
Many years ago as a young man (not that I'm old now but I was younger then) I took upon myself every position available at my church. On top of this I was also a full time student and working part-time.
Within a couple of years I had completely burnt out and walked away from every thing. Physically and emotionally I just didn't have the strength to do it any more. And I learned the valuable lesson of ME AND GOD ALONE TIME. Time away from every thing and if need be away from everyone. Time to just relax and enjoy the gift of life that God has given us.
So, What Are You Doing Here...? We'll learn more on our next installment.
Be Blessed
Your Brother In Christ,
Richard Rios
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
50 Promises For A Marriage
(1) Start each day with a kiss (2) Wear your wedding ring. (3)Date at least once a week. (4) Accept your differences. (5) Be polite. (6) Be gentle. (7) Give gifts. (8) Smile often. (9) Touch. (10) Talk about your dreams. (11) Select a song and make it “our song.” (12) Give back rubs. (13) Laugh together. (14) Send a card for no reason. (15)Do what they other person wants before they as. (16)Listen carefully. (17) Encourage each other. (18) Do it their way. (19) Know their needs. (20) Fix breakfast. (21) Compliment at least twice a day. (22)Call during the day. (23) Slow down. Hold hands. (24)Cuddle. (25) Asks for the other’s opinion. (26) Show respect. (27) Show respect. (28) Welcome each other home. (29) Try to look your best. (30) Wink at each other. (31) Celebrate birthdays in a big way. (32) Apologize. (33) Forgive quickly. (34) Set up a romantic get-away. (35)Ask, “What can I do to make you happier?” (36) Be Positive. (37) Be kind. (38) Be vulnerable. (39) Respond quickly to the other person’s request. (40) Talk about your love. (41) Reminisce about your favorite times together. (42) Treat each other’s friends and relative with courtesy. (43) Send flowers every Valentine’s Day, anniversary, and for no reason at all. (44) Admit when you’re wrong. (45) Be sensitive to each other’s sexual desires. (46) Seek outside help when needed. (47) Watch sunsets together. (48) Say, “I love you,” frequently. (49) End the day with a hug. (50) Pray for each other daily.
(1) Start each day with a kiss (2) Wear your wedding ring. (3)Date at least once a week. (4) Accept your differences. (5) Be polite. (6) Be gentle. (7) Give gifts. (8) Smile often. (9) Touch. (10) Talk about your dreams. (11) Select a song and make it “our song.” (12) Give back rubs. (13) Laugh together. (14) Send a card for no reason. (15)Do what they other person wants before they as. (16)Listen carefully. (17) Encourage each other. (18) Do it their way. (19) Know their needs. (20) Fix breakfast. (21) Compliment at least twice a day. (22)Call during the day. (23) Slow down. Hold hands. (24)Cuddle. (25) Asks for the other’s opinion. (26) Show respect. (27) Show respect. (28) Welcome each other home. (29) Try to look your best. (30) Wink at each other. (31) Celebrate birthdays in a big way. (32) Apologize. (33) Forgive quickly. (34) Set up a romantic get-away. (35)Ask, “What can I do to make you happier?” (36) Be Positive. (37) Be kind. (38) Be vulnerable. (39) Respond quickly to the other person’s request. (40) Talk about your love. (41) Reminisce about your favorite times together. (42) Treat each other’s friends and relative with courtesy. (43) Send flowers every Valentine’s Day, anniversary, and for no reason at all. (44) Admit when you’re wrong. (45) Be sensitive to each other’s sexual desires. (46) Seek outside help when needed. (47) Watch sunsets together. (48) Say, “I love you,” frequently. (49) End the day with a hug. (50) Pray for each other daily.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Healing Comes Before The Sickness - Gn. 48
Author: Yehuda Berg
There is a powerful lesson in the story of Jacob and his two grandsons.
The older grandson is named Menashe, whose root meaning is forgetting, or lack. The younger grandson is named Ephriam, whose root meaning is sustenance, or abundance.
On his deathbed, Jacob gives his blessings on the heads of his grandsons. Tradition would dictate he give precedence to age, or Menashe. So the older grandson would get his right hand, and the younger one his left hand. But Jacob reverses it. He puts his right hand on the head of the younger, Ephraim, and his left on the older Menashe.
It’s clear. Ephraim precedes Menashe. Abundance precedes lack. The solution precedes the problem.
This reveals a way of looking at difficult times in our lives. We can view difficulties not as problems to be solved, but as the solutions to a problem that’s already there.
Here’s the meaning.
Sometimes we are ready for a greater abundance of Light, but our vessel is too small to hold it, so we need a bigger vessel.
Sometimes, we can build a greater vessel pro-actively. But other times we need some assistance in breaking our smaller vessel in order to build a larger one.
In those instances, how we break our smaller vessel is through difficult situations.
It’s not about having difficult times and hoping they’ll stop. Its understanding that difficult situations serve a purpose allowing us a greater abundance of Light and blessings, by assisting us in building a vessel big enough to hold them.
By allowing us to break a smaller vessel in exchange for a bigger one, difficult times are like a healing that comes before the sickness. The Light is already there awaiting you and the difficult times are a tool for getting it.
There is another term for breaking a smaller vessel in order to build a bigger one. It’s called becoming like God.
Be Blessed.
There is a powerful lesson in the story of Jacob and his two grandsons.
The older grandson is named Menashe, whose root meaning is forgetting, or lack. The younger grandson is named Ephriam, whose root meaning is sustenance, or abundance.
On his deathbed, Jacob gives his blessings on the heads of his grandsons. Tradition would dictate he give precedence to age, or Menashe. So the older grandson would get his right hand, and the younger one his left hand. But Jacob reverses it. He puts his right hand on the head of the younger, Ephraim, and his left on the older Menashe.
It’s clear. Ephraim precedes Menashe. Abundance precedes lack. The solution precedes the problem.
This reveals a way of looking at difficult times in our lives. We can view difficulties not as problems to be solved, but as the solutions to a problem that’s already there.
Here’s the meaning.
Sometimes we are ready for a greater abundance of Light, but our vessel is too small to hold it, so we need a bigger vessel.
Sometimes, we can build a greater vessel pro-actively. But other times we need some assistance in breaking our smaller vessel in order to build a larger one.
In those instances, how we break our smaller vessel is through difficult situations.
It’s not about having difficult times and hoping they’ll stop. Its understanding that difficult situations serve a purpose allowing us a greater abundance of Light and blessings, by assisting us in building a vessel big enough to hold them.
By allowing us to break a smaller vessel in exchange for a bigger one, difficult times are like a healing that comes before the sickness. The Light is already there awaiting you and the difficult times are a tool for getting it.
There is another term for breaking a smaller vessel in order to build a bigger one. It’s called becoming like God.
Be Blessed.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Reflect On This - Rebuilding The Spiritual Walls
Nehemiah Chapter 1
There are some valuable lessons we can learn from this chapter when we come to a point in our Christian walk that we feel like if we need to rebuild the spiritual walls in our lives.
So let's learn.
Let's take a look at some of the Negatives as well as Positives In Their Situation:
1. They had no King or leader to govern over them and lead them
1. They had a promise from God
2. Many of their brothers were dispersed or foreigners in other lands
2. They had a wiling spirit to work hard and if necessary to fight to defend themselves and their work
3. At the beginning of their labor they had many oppositions
3. God brought them Leaders who were equipped for the work at hand and who were given the wisdom to deal with the oppositions
4. The morale and the spirits of the people were low
4. They had a vision of what they once had and what they could do to regain what they had lost
5. They were not sure of their future or their existence even though they had received promises from God
5. They had a People, A Family, and a Nation for which to fight
6. They had been treated unjustly by their own Israelite brothers
6. They had the God of gods and Lord of lords on their side and fighting on their behalf
Keys To Their Victory
1. There was a man who prayed intensely for the needs of his people. He told God specifically what he thought the problems of his people were and he reminded God of His promises to them
1. Have you prayed intensely for the needs and problems of your people (family, church, friends)?
2. There was a man who had a burden for the people of God and to rebuild the city and their temple of worship
2. Do you have a burden for God’s people? Do you desire to be a temple which worships God?
3. The people had a sole vision
3. What is the vision that God has given you and are you willing to follow it no matter what?
4. The leaders discerned what was the need and what was the best course of action
4. Have you discerned what your needs are and what is the best course of action to remedy it?
5. After discerning what needed to be done they took action. They didn’t wait to receive a special revelation from God.
5. If you’ve done every thing that has been asked in the previous four items then it’s time to take action.
6. Every family did their part
6. You have to do your part to build up the kingdom of God
7. They accepted help from whoever was willing to give it to them even if the giver had once been considered their enemies
7. Swallow your pride. Accept the help from who ever God sends to give it to you even if you once considered them your enemy
8. They sought out construction material
8. Seek out the materials or resources needed to rebuild your walls
9. They clearly communicated to the people the vision, the need, and the work that awaited them
9. To accomplish the task entrusted to you by God – 1) Have a clear understanding of His vision for your life; 2) Have a clear understanding of the work to be done; and 3) Have a clear understanding of what awaits you
10. They did not pay attention to the negative comments their enemies were making about them
10. Don’t pay attention or listen to the negative comments the enemy makes about you regardless of who he uses to make them
11. The people determined to Arise and Work
11. If you want to rebuild your walls and accomplish the will of God in your life then determine within yourself that you too will Arise and do God's Work
Be Blessed.
Richard Rios
There are some valuable lessons we can learn from this chapter when we come to a point in our Christian walk that we feel like if we need to rebuild the spiritual walls in our lives.
So let's learn.
Let's take a look at some of the Negatives as well as Positives In Their Situation:
1. They had no King or leader to govern over them and lead them
1. They had a promise from God
2. Many of their brothers were dispersed or foreigners in other lands
2. They had a wiling spirit to work hard and if necessary to fight to defend themselves and their work
3. At the beginning of their labor they had many oppositions
3. God brought them Leaders who were equipped for the work at hand and who were given the wisdom to deal with the oppositions
4. The morale and the spirits of the people were low
4. They had a vision of what they once had and what they could do to regain what they had lost
5. They were not sure of their future or their existence even though they had received promises from God
5. They had a People, A Family, and a Nation for which to fight
6. They had been treated unjustly by their own Israelite brothers
6. They had the God of gods and Lord of lords on their side and fighting on their behalf
Keys To Their Victory
1. There was a man who prayed intensely for the needs of his people. He told God specifically what he thought the problems of his people were and he reminded God of His promises to them
1. Have you prayed intensely for the needs and problems of your people (family, church, friends)?
2. There was a man who had a burden for the people of God and to rebuild the city and their temple of worship
2. Do you have a burden for God’s people? Do you desire to be a temple which worships God?
3. The people had a sole vision
3. What is the vision that God has given you and are you willing to follow it no matter what?
4. The leaders discerned what was the need and what was the best course of action
4. Have you discerned what your needs are and what is the best course of action to remedy it?
5. After discerning what needed to be done they took action. They didn’t wait to receive a special revelation from God.
5. If you’ve done every thing that has been asked in the previous four items then it’s time to take action.
6. Every family did their part
6. You have to do your part to build up the kingdom of God
7. They accepted help from whoever was willing to give it to them even if the giver had once been considered their enemies
7. Swallow your pride. Accept the help from who ever God sends to give it to you even if you once considered them your enemy
8. They sought out construction material
8. Seek out the materials or resources needed to rebuild your walls
9. They clearly communicated to the people the vision, the need, and the work that awaited them
9. To accomplish the task entrusted to you by God – 1) Have a clear understanding of His vision for your life; 2) Have a clear understanding of the work to be done; and 3) Have a clear understanding of what awaits you
10. They did not pay attention to the negative comments their enemies were making about them
10. Don’t pay attention or listen to the negative comments the enemy makes about you regardless of who he uses to make them
11. The people determined to Arise and Work
11. If you want to rebuild your walls and accomplish the will of God in your life then determine within yourself that you too will Arise and do God's Work
Be Blessed.
Richard Rios
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Reflect On This - Does God Hear Your Prayer?
Many times we as Christians find ourselves asking this question because of the situation we find ourselves in. First comes the thought of our condition before God’s presence and for many we fall short of the mark.
We forget that when we first came to Christ it was by His grace and not our merit. We forget as Christians we are called to grow in the Lord, yet we don’t like adversities. We forget to see the spirit realm as real as we perceive this natural world to be.
You see Jesus said – “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matt 24:35). Remember God is Faithful – “God [is] faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (I Cor 1:9).
To understand or to know that we are in fellowship with Christ while you’re going through difficult times builds your spirit character. Ps 37:5 tells us to – “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring [it] to pass”. Those of us who neglect this part will constantly find themselves at the bottom from their point of view not God’s.
You see God has confidence in you to overcome your adversities. He has entrusted you with spiritual attributes, weapons and His desire through the working of the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus conquered death and the grave He received all power in heaven and earth and in the earth. He had total dominion. Matt 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Jesus immediately turns all His power over to the church through the Holy Spirit. And when He had called unto [Him] His twelve disciples, He gave them power [against] unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen
And so you ask. Does the creator of Heaven and Earth hear my prayer? I think when we forget the promises of God and the authority we posses in Christ Jesus, many will fail to see. However if you remember who you are in Christ and the authority that has been given to you along with the power to execute that authority in Christ Jesus you will see Him answering your prayers one by one.
My Thought
Eladio Alameda
We forget that when we first came to Christ it was by His grace and not our merit. We forget as Christians we are called to grow in the Lord, yet we don’t like adversities. We forget to see the spirit realm as real as we perceive this natural world to be.
You see Jesus said – “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matt 24:35). Remember God is Faithful – “God [is] faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (I Cor 1:9).
To understand or to know that we are in fellowship with Christ while you’re going through difficult times builds your spirit character. Ps 37:5 tells us to – “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring [it] to pass”. Those of us who neglect this part will constantly find themselves at the bottom from their point of view not God’s.
You see God has confidence in you to overcome your adversities. He has entrusted you with spiritual attributes, weapons and His desire through the working of the Holy Spirit.
When Jesus conquered death and the grave He received all power in heaven and earth and in the earth. He had total dominion. Matt 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Jesus immediately turns all His power over to the church through the Holy Spirit. And when He had called unto [Him] His twelve disciples, He gave them power [against] unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen
And so you ask. Does the creator of Heaven and Earth hear my prayer? I think when we forget the promises of God and the authority we posses in Christ Jesus, many will fail to see. However if you remember who you are in Christ and the authority that has been given to you along with the power to execute that authority in Christ Jesus you will see Him answering your prayers one by one.
My Thought
Eladio Alameda
Reflect On This - People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
as adapted by an anonymous writer:
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But...only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life. May God hold you in the palm of His hand and Angels watch over you.
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrong doing on your part or an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.
When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it! It is real! But...only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.
Thank you for being a part of my life. May God hold you in the palm of His hand and Angels watch over you.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
There Are No Coincidences In Our Christian Walk
How many of you understand that in God there are no such things as coincidences? God has a divine purpose for us and is constantly at work to see it through. Let me share a quick story of how God has a way of working out His perfect will for our blessing.
I took a last minute trip to Alabama a couple of weeks ago to see some family and to take care of some business. A couple of days after arriving my cousin - Pastor Albert Alameda - asked me to minister that coming Sunday. We had a great time of fellowship that Sunday evening and the Spirit moved mightily.
After the service two ladies came to speak with me. The first thanked me for speaking so freely about the grief, depression, and the inward struggle I had to keep my faith after my brother was murdered several years ago and about how God in His love and kindness brought me through that time. You see, some years earlier her son had also been murdered and she was still struggling with her emotions. That Sunday night through the message the Holy Spirit healed her and she was able to let go of that immense pain and grief that had consumed her for so many years. Praise God!
The other lady was a Missionary from Alaska who was visiting some friends there in Alabama. Earlier in the week while at a store passing out tracts she met one of the brothers from the church who invited her to visit their congregation. And it just so happens (or does it) that the day she chose was that Sunday. She shared with me that 2007 had been a very tough year for her, her family, and her ministry. But she thanked God that He had brought her that Sunday evening to the service. For through the message her spirit was refreshed and her strength was renewed. She mentioned that she felt like the whole message was specifically for her. Amen.
God is good and He never shows up late. He's always on time to meet our every need since He cares for us. I was indecisive as to whether or not I was going to go to Alabama because I didn't want to deal with the cold weather. But God had plan and a purpose not only for my life but for all thos who were ministered to through the message.
So remember, there is no such thing as coincidences in our Christian walk. Rather, God orchestrates divine encounters (which we call coincidences) for His glory and our Blessing. Amen.
I took a last minute trip to Alabama a couple of weeks ago to see some family and to take care of some business. A couple of days after arriving my cousin - Pastor Albert Alameda - asked me to minister that coming Sunday. We had a great time of fellowship that Sunday evening and the Spirit moved mightily.
After the service two ladies came to speak with me. The first thanked me for speaking so freely about the grief, depression, and the inward struggle I had to keep my faith after my brother was murdered several years ago and about how God in His love and kindness brought me through that time. You see, some years earlier her son had also been murdered and she was still struggling with her emotions. That Sunday night through the message the Holy Spirit healed her and she was able to let go of that immense pain and grief that had consumed her for so many years. Praise God!
The other lady was a Missionary from Alaska who was visiting some friends there in Alabama. Earlier in the week while at a store passing out tracts she met one of the brothers from the church who invited her to visit their congregation. And it just so happens (or does it) that the day she chose was that Sunday. She shared with me that 2007 had been a very tough year for her, her family, and her ministry. But she thanked God that He had brought her that Sunday evening to the service. For through the message her spirit was refreshed and her strength was renewed. She mentioned that she felt like the whole message was specifically for her. Amen.
God is good and He never shows up late. He's always on time to meet our every need since He cares for us. I was indecisive as to whether or not I was going to go to Alabama because I didn't want to deal with the cold weather. But God had plan and a purpose not only for my life but for all thos who were ministered to through the message.
So remember, there is no such thing as coincidences in our Christian walk. Rather, God orchestrates divine encounters (which we call coincidences) for His glory and our Blessing. Amen.
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